Farlowellas and suitable tank mates

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Farlowellas and suitable tank mates

Post by parrot1974 »

Hi everyone.
This is the first time that I've posted on the forum, but Planet Catfish has been my bible since I got into plecs last year. However, I've recently decided to set up a dedicated South American tank and would like some advice. The only two fish that I've decided I have to have in it are a group of Mousetail Knifefish (Gymnorhamphichthys rondoni) and a group of Farlowella.
I'm hoping for a 3 or 4 ft tank, with subdued lighting, silver sand, roots, plants, leaf litter. Our tap water is so full of nitrates (45ppm out of the tap) that I'm going to go RO for this one, or at least 50-50.
I currently have one of each (did have three Knifefish but sadly 2 died after a water change, so I've got some more ordered. They are currently in a 2ft, mature tank with an Eheim filter on it. My questions are pretty much to do with the Farlowellas and any other suitable tankmates.
Firstly, I think my Farlowella is a Farlowella mariaelenae. It's about 4-5 inches long, with three rows of scutes on its belly, with a longish, slightly upturned rostrum. From what I gather, the only other likely one is a Farlowella gracilis, but I'm not sure what the difference is in ID between the two, other than adult size. If anyone can help me with that, I'd be grateful? I got it from the LFS and asked them to source me some more from the same suppliers, in order to try to get the same type, but I know the chances are slim. If necessary, I can post some pics (I think!).
So, the tank will have two peaceful types of fish with plenty of food - these knifefish eat small frozen insects and worms, so their food choices will only overlap slightly. I was wondering about pencilfish to add colour and movement, or maybe a shoal of some sort of small tetras (e.g. neons).
Whatever I get, the most important thing is that the knifefish and Farlowella are left in peace. I was wondering whether it would be possible to maybe add some L10a or something similar, or whether this would be too much competition? I am hoping for a 4ft tank to get enough space that there are plenty of hiding places, but is it possible/wise to mix whiptails? Obviously if I were to go down the Lizard route, I'd get caves for them to hide in. Knifefish burrow in the sand, so they won't compete for space in caves or on the side of the glass.
Sorry to go on, but I'm really excited by this project. If anyone can help me with advice on Farlowellas or where I might encounter problems with this, please can you let me know - I'd rather know while I'm still in the planning stage!
Thanks in advance.
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Re: Farlowellas and suitable tank mates

Post by zeebo »

hi, I can't give you a list of fish that would be compatable with your farlowella , however , I have 1 --the one with the 3 tummy shutes. Just so you are aware, they can't live on algae only.
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Re: Farlowellas and suitable tank mates

Post by zeebo »

OOPS, sorry , i hit the send key and was not finished. So I give my farlo a piece of raw zucchini-no skin, 3 times a week. That way she still cleans the tank on the "between'' days. They also like wood, mine munches on it all the time. They are very timid and won't fight for food.That is why I feed her near the top of the tank. They can starve. I feed my farlo with a food clip near the top of the tank so the phantoms on the bottom won't eat her zucchini. They don't really swinm, the kinda skip , so be sure there is plenty of open space . Mine is a female, as she has no fur/hair on her nose. They are awesome creatures, and easy to keep imo.

So wood,it's a must for hiding, lounging and rasping on, plecs, and I have harlequin raspbora , diamond tetras , dwarf rainbpws -praecox and bosemani,& rummy nose tetras. All get along fine . My farlo lives on the wood most of the time , until lights are dimmed and she knows/hopes it's a dinner night. Good luck with yours ! Georgie
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Re: Farlowellas and suitable tank mates

Post by parrot1974 »

Hi Georgie. My tank is going to be just for shy, retiring fish :d Sand bottom, driftwood, plants, leaf litter, rounded stones and areas of high and low current. Invertebrate-eaters and vegetarians, so plenty of food to go round. Natural lighting, in a quiet bedroom. I've got my Farlowella in a mini-version at the moment and he loves the big algae pellets, algae wafers, frozen bloodworms and daphnia, so he doesn't move on the glass much, just hangs onto it, but is quick to move onto the food at feeding time :)) I love watching them for a bit before I go to bed, which is feeding time. He's also sharing with three inch-long BN babies, who will be long gone before they become competition for him. Still researching suitable tank-mates, but should think I'll pick some other types of whiptail. Don't want anything that's going to upset anything else. Will post a pic of my Farlowella for ID as soon as I can get a good shot.
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Re: Farlowellas and suitable tank mates

Post by zeebo »

hi, sounds like a plan. I am not sure about whiptails, however anything that is mellow is what you are looking for ( same as me ) so they could be ok, just never had them. The setup sounds fine. Does he/she keep your tank clean ? I only feed mine 3x a week and she keeps everything clean on non veggie days. Good luck ! Georgie
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