
A members area where you can introduce yourself, discuss anything outwith catfish and generally get to know each other.
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Joined: 17 Oct 2013, 19:12
Location 2: united states


Post by charligarcy »

I just found out that there was a forum about catfish and I was happy that we can talk/chat catfish all day here. My name is Charli but you can also call me Char. (*)
Viktor Jarikov
Posts: 5451
Joined: 26 Jan 2010, 20:11
My images: 11
My cats species list: 25 (i:0, k:0)
Spotted: 4
Location 1: Naples, FL
Location 2: USA

Re: Hello

Post by Viktor Jarikov »

Welcome to the Planet, Char!

Tell us, please, a bit about yourself and what fish you keep, your experiences, etc. maybe post some photos of your tanks... if you will, needless to say :) None of this is expected or required though ;)
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