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Error when using × in My Aquaria

Posted: 25 Sep 2013, 09:59
by KittyKat
I get the following error when trying to use the multiplication sign (×) in any of the text fields.
General Error
SQL ERROR [ mysql4 ]

Incorrect string value: '\x97 300W...' for column 'heating' at row 1 [1366]

An SQL error occurred while fetching this page. Please contact the Board Administrator if this problem persists.

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Re: Error when using × in My Aquaria

Posted: 25 Sep 2013, 10:28
by Jools
Thanks, that detail makes it a lot easier to fix. Will look into it.


Re: Error when using × in My Aquaria

Posted: 10 Oct 2013, 22:03
by MatsP
@Jools: I think this just needs the same utf8-to-html treatment that we have in some other places.

I will check in on this subject on Saturday, and if Jools hasn't said it is/will be fixed, I will try to fix it - it should be relatively easy.


Re: Error when using × in My Aquaria

Posted: 12 Oct 2013, 21:19
by MatsP
I can reproduce this problem, but the easy fix I thought I could make doesn't seem to work.

I will keep on digging. I'm pretty sure I know what the basic problem is, I just don't understand why the fix doesn't work.


Re: Error when using × in My Aquaria

Posted: 13 Oct 2013, 17:27
by MatsP
Ok, managed to track down where some of the stuff got "messed about", causing my fix to not work. Also had to make some changes to the htmlentities() function calls, as it would interfere with the way utf8_to_html() encoded content. As always, the updated code will be available when Jools has checked it over and uploaded it to the real site (just in case you were tempted to try it out right now).

@Jools: In R1351.


Re: Error when using × in My Aquaria

Posted: 13 Oct 2013, 21:08
by Jools
This is now online. Fixed?


Re: Error when using × in My Aquaria

Posted: 15 Oct 2013, 03:58
by KittyKat
Yep, works great! Thanks for fixing :)