Hello! The new guy has a question...

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Hello! The new guy has a question...

Post by tbonem91 »

First off, Hello! Name is Tony. It's been 31 days since my last drink.... :) Oh sorry, wrong forum. Hehe...

Anyway, I am nearing the end of my cycle in a 27 gallon brackish water tank and I am completly infested with diatoms. I know I should wait to do anything but what is a good cleaner fish for my tank? Is there a (are there) some good Pleco counterparts in the brackish water world?

- Tony
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Post by Silurus »

One fish that you might want to try is the metallic livebearer (Girardinus metallicus). They can withstand brackish conditions and are said to do a pretty good job of clearing diatoms/algae.
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Post by Yann »

LOL Tony...

Welcome here to the ACL: Anonymous catfish lovers...
Sorry no cure for that disease... it only get worst with time...
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Post by Pyrowolf »

TB > Might want to increase your light cycle in your tank, diatoms almost always indicate a lack of light, or some form of available silicates in your water.

They are tough little buggers, but there are some fish, as Silurus mentioned, that can chow down on them.

Hope that helps!
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Post by magnum4 »

I find that a protein skimmer works well in brackish tanks, and it seems to help keep the diatoms down.
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Post by tbonem91 »

Thanks for the replies... I still have a little more time to do some research but what exactly is a protein skimmer? I've heard about them in talk about SW tanks but never actually found out what they are...
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Post by magnum4 »

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Post by tbonem91 »

WOW! Those are some hooooooge skimmers :) thanks for the info - I'll check my lfs for some prices on a smaller version - heh
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