Did you know fantastic help is an anagram of Planet Catfish? This forum is for those of you with pictures of your catfish who are looking for help identifying them. There are many here to help and a firm ID is the first step towards keeping your catfish in the best conditions.
I was given a group of cories a while back and Im just getting around to Id'ing them. I have this one potentially ID'ed as C. Agassizii but it would be nice to get a confirmation from someone in the know.
this is a difficult group for ID'ing...
I would go with C. agassizii, but also C. ambiacus is an option.
In the frist pic it looks like that the darking marking runs up to the tip of the dorsal fin which is typical for C. agassizii whereas in the second pic the dark marking is only visible in the lower part which would be more typical for C. ambiacus.
C. agassizii tends to have smaller spots when fully grown than C. ambiacus.
Do you have any informatrion about size, age or origin of the corys ?
No they we're a gift from a friend who was shutting down and he lost the information. I thank you for the other name, I may try to track those down. I just received a group of agassizi today and they seem to have smaller spotting than the fish I already had.