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Farlowella Id

Posted: 12 Sep 2013, 18:10
by vince0
Hello Folks,

I haven't posted much on here, and have asked on other forums that are more local to my are for an ID on this fish, with little luck. I have a group of these Farlowela that were given to me by a friend. Im hoping to set them up to breed in the future, but it would be nice to know what I have prior to establishing their set up. This is mostly in case of specialized requirement.




I hope these pictures are enough, if you need greater details of certain areas, let me know and Ill try to get them done.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Re: Farlowella Id

Posted: 15 Sep 2013, 04:02
by zeebo
hi , sorry, not sure the name of the kind you have, but I had same at one time. The tummy , is it 2 segmented or 3 segmented ? I still won't know the specific name , but the one I had like yours, yellow was 2 segmented tummy. I now have a larger, brown one , 3 segments. The kind I have can be sexed by the nose-- furry is male, no fur is female. One point you may not be aware of is that yes they keep the tank clean but they absolutely need a veggie or they will starve. I give mine a piece of raw zucchini 3 or 4 times a week. If you have L's in the same tank, it is a good idea to get the food clips with suction cups,and stick them high up in the tank so the plecs don't eat the farlowellas food. Mine hangs or lays on the wood by day and at night she waits for her zucchini by getting closer to the front of the tank . Good luck with your group, hope you got a pair ! They are cool :-BD Georgie