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Where is best place to purchase fish, LFS or mail order?

Posted: 13 Nov 2003, 02:57
by marops
I know this question is wayyyyy subjective, as many LFS (I'm assuming after seeing this acronym everywhere, that it means: Local Fish Store) vary with thier quality.

I live in Boston, MA, USA, and know of a few "decent" shops, but have never mail ordered fish.

What generally, do you folks use?


Posted: 13 Nov 2003, 03:00
by Silurus
This depends on what kind of cats you are after. Quite a number of the better outlets specialize in fish from a particular geographic area.

Posted: 13 Nov 2003, 03:25
by S. Allen
I do both. My LFS is great about bringing in oddballs, plecos and things I like, so I go through him, but every once in a while I do find something I won't likely see through him so I go through people online. If I can get it locally, even if it's more expensive, and it rarely is, I get it here

Posted: 13 Nov 2003, 05:20
by flyinmike
I do both. My fav LFS tries to have a good assortment of plecs and I have also had very good luck with You just have to be sure and read the sellers feedback before you bid. 8)

Posted: 13 Nov 2003, 14:40
by marops
Thanks, All!

I am definitely biased towards keeping LFS in business by purchasing there when I can, even if the prices are higher; I believe it's part of the hobbyist's responsibility to keep the _good_ shop's open, as it benefit's both parties.

Now I gotta find a good shop in area to do biz with.


Posted: 13 Nov 2003, 15:24
by Caol_ila

I usually go to my local lfss as they give me better prices since they know me. Also whats very popular here in Germany is buying/trading/getting for free fishes from private hands. On most German forums theres a trade corner for the users.
Ive never mailordered any fishes.

Posted: 14 Nov 2003, 00:39
by crocodylus
I have always bought from the LFS, always been afraid of receiving dead fish or something other then what i wanted, also the S&H can inflate the cost of the fish. Only thing i have bought online where supplies and plants

Posted: 14 Nov 2003, 00:46
by S. Allen
Croc, reputable stores will have a live arrival guaruntee.

Posted: 14 Nov 2003, 00:50
by crocodylus
yes, i agree with that, but pictures can be deceiving ... its better to see what you are geting before purchasing :razz:

Posted: 14 Nov 2003, 01:43
by Barbie
I'd have to disagree on that one. I've ordered hundreds of fish online, if not more, and as long as you trust the person or company you are ordering them from, and they have a good reputation, you should have no problem getting the fish you are looking for. It's one of the reasons that it is very important to check into those same reputations before you order though, also.


Posted: 16 Nov 2003, 11:13
by Gaberiel
I must say that I personally preffer to go Local, But where I live In Australia our Local shop's usually have a very good variety, and the shop owners are very tending to the fishes care.

But If you dont have a good local sorce Find a trusted online Fish shop, Youll find that manny online stores hold very honourable quality ethics and will be very helpfull.
