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Leusistic L333
Posted: 31 Aug 2013, 15:42
by Axle
Hi guys I have had a strange spawn out of my L333s which has resulted in some Albino and or some leusistic fry.
I cant find much info on it here and was wondering if anyone else here has had similar happen or can shed some light on what I have here. I cannot see any red in the eyes on any of the fry. Both parents are good quality "run of the mill"
L333s and the pic is of the one entire spawn. You might notice that atleast one of them has no colour in the eyes and could possibly be an albino?

Re: Leusistic L333
Posted: 02 Sep 2013, 08:21
by David R
Very interesting!! Hope you're going to grow them all out to see what they turn into.
Re: Leusistic L333
Posted: 02 Sep 2013, 19:38
by jvision
Looks like 7 albino to me. If we look at simple Mendelian genetics, if two parents carrying a recessive albino gene are mated, around 1/4 of the spawn (like yours, here) will show the albino trait. Seems you just got lucky getting 2 parents carrying the albino gene! If albinism in L333 follows Mendelian genetics, if you mate 2 albino fish together, 100% of those fry should be albino.
Re: Leusistic L333
Posted: 03 Sep 2013, 09:10
by Axle
I like your logic. Only problem with that is the eyes are not all pink/red.
Maybe a couple of them are BUT most have the standard L333 eye colour.
Re: Leusistic L333
Posted: 03 Sep 2013, 09:39
by Axle
Ok so there are a couple that have albino type eyes like this

And a couple like this

Re: Leusistic L333
Posted: 10 Sep 2013, 07:07
by ClearSky57
very cool axle!
I would definately grow them up and breed them back to one of the parents and if you have others try another normal colored that is not related to see what you get..
could be one of the parents has albinistic genes...
good luck
Re: Leusistic L333
Posted: 17 Sep 2013, 14:42
by Orinocensis1
Awesome! Can't wait to see their progression!
Re: Leusistic L333
Posted: 18 Sep 2013, 06:56
by apistomaster
It appears that there were few founding fishes in Australia for so many mutations to arise so soon.
All future descendants are likely to produce many more mixed phenotypes except albino X albino which will only yield albinos.
Re: Leusistic L333
Posted: 21 Sep 2013, 08:50
by Axle
There are quite a few albino L333 popping up around Australia in the last year or so that I have noticed.
I have not seen any leucistic L333 yet apart from these ones of course.
Heres an up dated pic.
Sorry about the blurry pic yet again but you get the idea.
Re: Leusistic L333
Posted: 18 Oct 2013, 08:36
by Axle
Latest pics of one of the group
Re: Leusistic L333
Posted: 18 Oct 2013, 10:20
by Durlänger
Please, look up the desciption of your camara. Looks like the distance from the fish at the last two pics is nearer as the min. focal length of your lens, result they are not sharp.
Otherwise a interesting topic

Re: Leusistic L333
Posted: 18 Oct 2013, 16:06
by .Plecomania.
oo i want a breeder trap like that! what kind is it?
Re: Leusistic L333
Posted: 27 Oct 2013, 07:21
by Axle
Ooh sorry for not replying earlier. Its just a cheapy off ebay I think.