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How to discourage fish from breeding?

Posted: 08 Aug 2013, 22:30
by cobden28
My pair of ancristus bristlenose catfish spawned on June 25th, and again on July 26th with the second brood on the point of becoming free-swimming. My husband has counted around 20 from the first brood, all about 3/4" long, and it looks like I'm on my way to being over-run with bristlies :d !

My local fish shop will only take surplus bristlies when they reach 1" minimum ( preferably an inch and a half) so how do I discourge my adults from producing a third brood? In about a months' time they'll be big enough to catch and I can give some away at my local aquarist society as well as trading some at my local fish shop, but I haven't got a second tank to house an ever-increasing bristlie population in the meantime!

The adults have spawned on both occasions in a small clay plant-pot so would it discourage them from spawning again if I either relocated the plant-pot within the tank or removed it altogether?

The tank is a 4 ft bow-fronted Juwel tank, densely planted and with several logs for the benefit of my bristlies.

Re: How to discourage fish from breeding?

Posted: 08 Aug 2013, 23:24
by TwoTankAmin
Common tank BN breed like rabbits. The only solution to your problem is to put them in different tanks.

Re: How to discourage fish from breeding?

Posted: 08 Aug 2013, 23:42
by FuglyDragon
Sometimes removing the spawning cave will stop them spawning, or at least slow them down till they find an alternative spot.

Re: How to discourage fish from breeding?

Posted: 09 Aug 2013, 12:12
by wijnands
On the other hand there's an ample supply of stories of BNs breeding in the strangest places.

Re: How to discourage fish from breeding?

Posted: 10 Aug 2013, 02:17
by uaru
Probably not an answer you're looking for, but...

My bushynose stopped breeding, and I think it's because some of their tankmates started breeding and chasing all the other fish around the tank. So: in place of one problem, I have a different problem.

Re: How to discourage fish from breeding?

Posted: 10 Aug 2013, 16:17
by TwoTankAmin
On the other hand there's an ample supply of stories of BNs breeding in the strangest places.
Yes they do
