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Pygmies lay eggs, owner panics

Posted: 25 May 2013, 06:22
by Onsaud
Cory noob here. My pygmaeus laid eggs. I've counted three milky white ones on the walls of the tank. First off, how soon will I be able to tell if they're fertilized? I know they're supposed to turn yellowish-tan if they're fertilized, so when does that happen? After a few days? Immediately? Is it already too late?

Second, if they do happen to be fertilized, what should I do with them? I just recently set up a tank for rearing daphnia, would it be a bad idea to put them in there (adding a cycled filter, of course)? How safe are they being left in the main tank?

I'll save the fry-rearing questions for now since I'm not even sure if these eggs are good or not. Thanks for the help, folks!

Re: Pygmies lay eggs, owner panics

Posted: 25 May 2013, 21:31
by shorething
If they are in a tank by themselves ,they should be fine . Pygmys don't seem too eat there eggs . I started with a 20 gallon with 8 , now well over 50 , this is after selling probably 50 others . I feed with decapped brineshrimp eggs , the fry seem to find enough stuff to eat on there own . Good luck !

Re: Pygmies lay eggs, owner panics

Posted: 26 May 2013, 00:31
by Onsaud
There's also a guppy and a young honey gourami. The guppy might be a problem, but I'm not too worried about the gourami—he barely even goes after frozen bloodworm!

Re: Pygmies lay eggs, owner panics

Posted: 26 May 2013, 15:52
by CoryfanAad
Niceeeee. I hope mine will spawn in some time !!!

Re: Pygmies lay eggs, owner panics

Posted: 26 May 2013, 17:20
by Onsaud
Ha, thanks! This'll be my first time raising fry (except for a batch of platies, which isn't exactly a feat), so I'm kind of nervous!