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No spawns for 3 years... What's up??

Posted: 18 May 2013, 17:29
by jac
I've got a breeding group of wild caught Green Lasers. They spawned for me 2 years but seasonal, only from May/June till September/Oktober.
Since then, the last spawn was in 2009, they haven't done anything.. ... =6&t=22756

What could be wrong??
I had them on normal tap water (PH 7,2 - conductivity 280-300) in the winter and 24 degrees celsius. I started to condition them last month, early April. Using cold rain water water changes. Water parameters are now around PH 6 and conductivity 120-130, temperature 25-26 higher when weather is good. Feeding them all sorts of frozen foods and tablets (dry). They are doing nothing at all....

I wouldn't like to miss another year. So would greatly appreciate some help please..

Thanks in advance

Re: No spawns for 3 years... What's up??

Posted: 20 May 2013, 08:42
by jac
No one....???

Re: No spawns for 3 years... What's up??

Posted: 20 May 2013, 14:31
by kim m
This just happens.

I have mostly experinced it with groups moved to another tank or with groups where specimens have died or new ones added. Funnily enough, the same things can trigger a group into spawning.

Re: No spawns for 3 years... What's up??

Posted: 20 May 2013, 17:00
by CoryWally
Like Kim says, change can be a bad thing but often, by moving them to a new tank they can be stimulated to spawn.

BTW, Happy Birthday Kim!


Re: No spawns for 3 years... What's up??

Posted: 21 May 2013, 05:17
by jac
Thank you.
They have been moved over the years, and there has been some drop outs also..
I have selected a group and put them separate two months ago.

Will feeding them live foods make a difference?

Re: No spawns for 3 years... What's up??

Posted: 05 Jun 2013, 01:09
by Corycory
Maybe put them in a tank with a group of corys that do spawn regularly. This may trigger them to spawn too. Or if you have corys in another tank that are spawning, use that water in the green laser's tank.