Clown Pleco ID

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Clown Pleco ID

Post by citizencurt »

Hello all!

First post.....been lurking for a while but finally decided to register and start posting.

I just picked up some plecos and was wanting some help to identify what they are. They were sold as Clown plecos, but they are unlike other ones I have seen in the past. LFS advised they are from Singapore and are about 9 months old. Their current length is about 6 inches. I purchased 6 of them altogether.

Here are some photos....






Many thanks,

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Re: Clown Pleco ID

Post by citizencurt »

Also any help sexing them would be greatly appreciated. I would like to breed, but I am worried I might have all females at the moment!!

Fish 1

Fish 2

Fish 3

Fish 4

Fish 5

Fish 6

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Re: Clown Pleco ID

Post by MatsP »

Clown pleco, in my part of the world (England) is used for , which clearly isn't what your fish is. I'd say your fish is . The fish you have aren't big enough to sex, I would say - another 6 inches or so would be needed, I think. However, in the link earlier in this post, there is information on how to determine their sex.

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Re: Clown Pleco ID

Post by citizencurt »

Thankyou for having a look, I was thinking that they were probably Gibbiceps or Leopard sailfin. I will try to sex them when they have grown a little bit b-)
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