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Dead link to Catfish Study Group (UK)

Posted: 08 Nov 2003, 02:04
by plesner
If I select 'Cool Stuff', 'Links' and 'Catfish Study Group (UK)' from the menu at the top of the screen, I get an error message. (I do know that there are other ways to get to the CSG home page.)

Posted: 08 Nov 2003, 09:49
by Jools
It's fixed now.


Posted: 08 Nov 2003, 09:58
by plesner
It's fixed now.
Hmmmmm.... I still get the same error message: 'Error 404 File Not Found'

Posted: 08 Nov 2003, 09:59
by Jools
Force a refresh in your browser...


Posted: 08 Nov 2003, 10:16
by plesner
Now it's working !
Force a refresh in your browser...
I actually did force a refresh before my last posting.