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Advice On Breeding Wild Caught Corydoras Adolfoi
Posted: 26 Apr 2013, 00:49
by FishKeeper
I have a group of 4 male and 2 female wild caught corydoras adolfoi. I'm looking for some advice on how to trigger them, I have tried cold water changes and been feeding them on live food regularly with no result. Is there anything anyone has done differently spawning wild caught fish or is it basically the same?
Re: Advice On Breeding Wild Caught Corydoras Adolfoi
Posted: 02 May 2013, 19:10
by Coryman
First off you need to keep them on the warm side, say around 27-28C. Then it is a case of getting them into tip top condition before attempting any spawning triggers. The chances are when they are in condition they will spawn without anything other than a normal water change.
Re: Advice On Breeding Wild Caught Corydoras Adolfoi
Posted: 02 May 2013, 21:08
by FishKeeper
Thanks Ian