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Male L14?

Posted: 26 Mar 2013, 20:11
by mcaquatic
So I have been in search of a getting a Male L14. I have one on hold right now that I think is a male. Will pick it up Saturday if you guys agree. He is about 10 inches. These pictures were the best I could do in the store.

This is pleco 1, which I have money and is on hold

This is pleco 2 - not on hold, but figured should ID incase I am wrong about the first one.

One has much nicer colors - Thanks guys

Re: Male L14?

Posted: 26 Mar 2013, 21:25
by Andrewjw
Both look like males....

Re: Male L14?

Posted: 26 Mar 2013, 23:49
by magdalo
I agree, both are males. How much does each cost?

Re: Male L14?

Posted: 27 Mar 2013, 03:28
by mcaquatic
Thanks guys. They are listed for $225. I am not paying exactly that much. When supploers ship in fish do they pay attention to the sex? I have been looking at a lot of larger sunshines lately and almost always seems the shipments are all the same sex.

Re: Male L14?

Posted: 27 Mar 2013, 13:43
by magdalo
Pretty expensive. Nontheless, one of the most striking L-number cats out there.
I think they do ask for specifics, especially if there's an order for one. But it all depends on the availability since Goldies this size are wild caught and don't come in regularly all year long. I do notice females are pretty hard to come by lately.

Re: Male L14?

Posted: 27 Mar 2013, 14:29
by mcaquatic
Definitely not cheap but 50 to 100 dollars cheaper then most of the other similar sized ones I am coming across. I will pick him up Saturday and my collection will be complete for now. I think five is enough :)

Re: Male L14?

Posted: 27 Mar 2013, 17:02
by magdalo
Good luck. Keep us posted!

Re: Male L14?

Posted: 28 Mar 2013, 03:44
by mcaquatic
will do. Going to house the male seperately for a while once I get him. then need to decide whether to continue growing out the female with the smaller ones separate from the male. Or put the large male/female together and grow out the other separately.

Re: Male L14?

Posted: 28 Mar 2013, 04:17
by magdalo
I think placing the biggest pair in a separate tank is better because it gives the smaller ones an environment of their own. There, they will be able fend for themselves better than being with an 8-incher or 10-incher that will absolutely dominate them over food and space. Just my opinion.

Re: Male L14?

Posted: 30 Mar 2013, 18:31
by mcaquatic
just picked up the male. he has potential to be a stud, but boy is he skinny. Almost didn't take him home. Acclimating now and will see how he does.

Re: Male L14?

Posted: 31 Mar 2013, 03:59
by mcaquatic

Re: Male L14?

Posted: 31 Mar 2013, 17:44
by magdalo
Yes, pretty skinny. But that is expected from wild-caught ones. Once he gets settled in your tank he'll start eating aggressively. Good luck.

Re: Male L14?

Posted: 31 Mar 2013, 19:44
by mcaquatic
he is already eating shrimp and mussels

Re: Male L14?

Posted: 01 Apr 2013, 05:35
by magdalo
Good to hear that.

Re: Male L14?

Posted: 01 Apr 2013, 09:52
by bigbird
yup 2 males. need fattenig up, but as you stated they are doing this now. Nice markings and indeed please keep us informed. cheers jk

Re: Male L14?

Posted: 01 Apr 2013, 11:23
by mcaquatic
i actually only picked up the one in the first picture. Wish I had space or two but can only really fit one. Actually pretty worried about the big boy though. He is eating but not looking great. Eyes have sunk in somewhat and breathing a little on the harder side. Will have to watch him closely. Still eating but not sure why eyes sunk in over night. The rest of the fish look fine. 90g no ammonia or nitrite. About 30 nitrate. Community type fish tank. Temp 83.

Re: Male L14?

Posted: 03 Apr 2013, 04:53
by mcaquatic
Still looks sort of terrible and breaths on the heavy side but will comsistently eat mussels. He ignores everything else. Now that he is eating again I am going to start feeding several times aday.

Re: Male L14?

Posted: 11 Apr 2013, 04:30
by mcaquatic
eating like a pig but still a ways too go (wish my female would eat as aggressively as him). anyone know what the "clear" marks are about mid belly? Kind of near the attachment of the ventral fins.

Re: Male L14?

Posted: 11 Apr 2013, 17:06
by magdalo
Physically, not looking so good. He's eating more than usual probably because he has parasites such as worms. The parasites are getting the best of the food he eats. Do you notice him pooping?
Not sure about the marks on his belly. Could be from previous trauma considering he's wild-caught?

Re: Male L14?

Posted: 11 Apr 2013, 18:03
by mcaquatic
He is actually improved skinness wise. He is popping. Going to deworm him soon. Like to get the sick ones little healthier first. I have lost them to worm impaction before and find if they are beefed up a little they do better.