L134, L333, L59, L201 Availability

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L134, L333, L59, L201 Availability

Post by NChops134 »

Hi guys, Im not trying to sell anything personally so did not put this in the marketplace forum, but I wanted to let you guys know about a great opportunity. I recently met Matt from NBMAquatics. He is a very good breeder who has a great variety of hard to find fish ready to go. I recently just purchased a large order of L134 and some L59 and his prices/customer service were fantastic. He breeds other fish as well, but here is his pleco stock list...

L134 - $40
L333 - $30
L59. - $20
L183 - $35
L199 - $15
L201 - $20
L260 - $60
L270 - $35

I'm not affiliated with him in any way, but when a quality breeder like this comes along I wanted to help everyone find him and some great deals on rare fish.
You can contact him on his email address at matt@nbmaquatics.com or check out his new website at NBMAquatics.com. Tell him Niko sent you!
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Re: L134, L333, L59, L201 Availability

Post by Nabobmob1 »

NChops134 wrote:Hi guys, Im not trying to sell anything personally so did not put this in the marketplace forum, but I wanted to let you guys know about a great opportunity. I recently met Matt from NBMAquatics. He is a very good breeder who has a great variety of hard to find fish ready to go. I recently just purchased a large order of L134 and some L59 and his prices/customer service were fantastic. He breeds other fish as well, but here is his pleco stock list...

L134 - $40
L333 - $30
L59. - $20
L183 - $35
L199 - $15
L201 - $20
L260 - $60
L270 - $35

I'm not affiliated with him in any way, but when a quality breeder like this comes along I wanted to help everyone find him and some great deals on rare fish.
You can contact him on his email address at matt@nbmaquatics.com or check out his new website at NBMAquatics.com. Tell him Niko sent you!

Thanks for the Plug Niko,

L183 Out of Stock
L270 Out of Stock
L260 Out of stock
L134 Selling fast
L333 Selling quickly, Listed as unavailable on the site but a limited quantity are to shippable size.
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Re: L134, L333, L59, L201 Availability

Post by todda »

any pictures of the Un-ID'd Wild Ancistrus SP? Do the L59 require low PH like the L183's??
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Re: L134, L333, L59, L201 Availability

Post by Nabobmob1 »

todda wrote:any pictures of the Un-ID'd Wild Ancistrus SP? Do the L59 require low PH like the L183's??
I will work on the Unid' photos, problem is, I lost the male so I have adult females and juvies.

THe L059 are easier to trigger than the L183, but to be honest, I'm breeding both, along with all the species I'm breeding, in Great lakes tap water PH 7.6 tds around 180, occasionally using Rainwater as a trigger.
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