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Ancistrus turning shy

Posted: 18 Mar 2013, 20:32
by wijnands
My biggest Ancistrus Claro (likely the male of the tank) is turning shy. The last 5-6 weeks it's moved from the cave to a spot behind/below a big chunk of wood. It comes out to stuff it's face and hides in the cave when I'm doing maintenance but that's pretty much it.

The smallest can usually be found on a pebble and the other one is often visible on the back wall or a bit of wood.

I'm not overly worried but just curious. Is this another stage maturing males go trough? Or just one of those things nobody has any clue about?

Re: Ancistrus turning shy

Posted: 18 Mar 2013, 21:02
by Richard B
My dominant male is the least often seen in my group

Re: Ancistrus turning shy

Posted: 21 Mar 2013, 13:41
by papwalker
I've seen this behaviour in two of my three Ancistrus.

If they are quite hungry after the 'scarce food days' they will appear for food drops.

They are both about 12 month old. Any movement around the tanks sends them into hiding. The young one is less inhibited and can be seen on the glass etc.

The appear to be getting more nocturnal despite what I have read.