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Hello and Megalechis question

Posted: 02 Mar 2013, 16:29
by characinfan
Hi there,

I'm the proud owner of 2 and 2 Abramites hypselonotus ( The A. hypselonotus are almost 21 years old. b-)

I'm new to catfish. I bought them in the summer as juveniles. One is about 3 cm long -- barely longer than when I purchased it -- and the other grew like crazy to 5 or 6 cm long, and is clearly a male. (He developed bright and thick first spines on the pectoral fins). Both are healthy and active. Is my smaller one a slow grower of unknown gender or a female? I haven't seen any sexual-type activity.

They are eating Omega One shrimp pellets, red wigglers, and bits of whatever else I feed the headstanders (vegetables, fruits, nuts).
