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Undergravel filter with HOB filter for large Pleco?

Posted: 24 Feb 2013, 01:24
by mg7454
What do you think of an under-gravel filter used along with a (Fluval Aqua Clear) HOB filter for a large Pterygoplichthys?
I've read pros and cons about the under-gravel filters; I do use a gravel vac and I keep up with the water changes.

My goal is a happy and healthy environment for this beautiful fish.

Your experiences and input would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Undergravel filter with HOB filter for large Pleco?

Posted: 16 Apr 2013, 22:18
by mg7454
:- Okay...I got no, I got a Lee's premium under-gravel filter, and I am running it along with my Fluval Aqua Clear 30 filter (for 30-gallons) in a 20-gallon Long tank.
:-b I put some Seachem Matrix bio-support filter-media (half-cup) spread out below the under-gravel filter-grid. On top of the grid, added 20-pounds of small river-gravel (quarter-inch, rounded edges). The ratio of 1-pound of small gravel per 1-gallon of water keeps the gravel layer shallow while yielding lots of area for biological filtration. I'm using an Eco-air 2, a double-outlet air-pump, suitable for a 30-gallon tank (which is quiet, and has an air-flow adjustment knob on top). I keep the air-pump on low.
The Aqua Clear 30 filter (the water-fall portion) is in the middle of the back wall of the tank, between the two up-take tubes of the under-gravel filter. The filter-media well is 2/3-full with a mix of Seachem Matrix Carbon and Marineland Carbon in a large filter-media bag. On top of the carbon, I have the reticular bio-media bag that came with the Aqua Clear filter; which, is full of Seachem Matrix bio-support filter-media. I run this filter on a medium current. On the intake-tube of the Aqua Clear filter, I have a pre-filter sponge that I clean thoroughly two or three times a week.
:YMPARTY: I still do partial (25%) water-changes 2 to 3 times a week with a gravel-vac siphon; however before, with only the Aqua Clear 30 filter, I had to do 25% water changes every day.
So far, for about six weeks, the results have been terrific! :-BD My 10-inch (TL) Pterygoplichthys is in crystal-clear, odorless water with a 0 ppm test of ammonia, in spite of the copious amounts of excrement produced by this large fish.
I will definitely replicate this system when moving her to a larger tank as she grows. :character-ariel:

Re: Undergravel filter with HOB filter for large Pleco?

Posted: 19 Apr 2013, 01:13
by jodilynn
I purchased an undergravel filter with two powerheads for my 55 gallon. I have one in my one 10 gallon as well (witout the powerhead obviously). I guess I'm really old school, because it doesn't seem like they are really in favor anymore.

To me, more filtration the better.

Re: Undergravel filter with HOB filter for large Pleco?

Posted: 20 Apr 2013, 22:07
by mg7454
10 inches total length
10 inches total length
I also believe the more filtration, the better.

The way I have these filters set up (as previously described) is working very well.
The HOB filter provides plenty of room for charcoal and aerobic bacteria, and the under-gravel filter provides plenty of anaerobic bacteria.
I still do my :YMPARTY: 25% partial water change maintenance every 2 to 3 days, because of the size of the tank, the fish, and the amount of excrement produced by my large-ish fish. Once I move her to a larger tank, I expect to do fewer water changes. For now, this works.

X_X There seems to be a lot of negativity about the under-gravel filters. X_X
I don't think it's the under-gravel filter that is the problem; but, I think that instead, it is the hobbyists who do not do regular maintenance on their aquaria.