Anyone recommend a Plec Stockist in Cambridgeshire

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Anyone recommend a Plec Stockist in Cambridgeshire

Post by Geeman265 »

As the subject asks, can anyone recommend a good Plec stockist in the Cambridgeshire area or maybe slight further (but not to far)?

I live in Huntingdon btw
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Re: Anyone recommend a Plec Stockist in Cambridgeshire

Post by MatsP »

Difficult, depends a bit on what you are after, and how far you are willing to travel. I live just slightly east of you, and I don't know of any great shops around. There is the usual sprinkling of Maidenhead Aquatics - the one outside Peterborough is pretty decent.

I'm kinda crazy, so I drive to Rare Aquatics (Crewe), Pier Aquatics (Wigan), Aqualife (Preston), Wildwoods (Enfield), MA @ Wheatley (Oxford) [along wiht many other places] to get my plecos.

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Re: Anyone recommend a Plec Stockist in Cambridgeshire

Post by Geeman265 »

Yeah I've been to the maidenhead aquatics near Peterborough a while ago, I just wondered if there was anything else around here.

I've also been to that Aqualife when I was seeing a girl in Blackburn, awesome place.

Is there any in Essex you recommend. I'm not sure what I want to be honest, I like the golden marbled Bristlenose (LDA008), but then I also like the Opal Spot Pleco (L082).

I want something a bit different, colourful if possible, doesn't completely ignore algae, doesn't grow over 8-9 ins and not hugely expensive.
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Re: Anyone recommend a Plec Stockist in Cambridgeshire

Post by MatsP »

is not something you'll just stumble upon in any shop - they are quite a lot of money from specialist shops, if you can find any at all.

I'm attempting to breed , but they are not "playing along". I have two groups, but neither seem keen on reproducing.

And sorry, no idea about Essex shops.

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Re: Anyone recommend a Plec Stockist in Cambridgeshire

Post by GlenFish »

Not any good plec shops in Essex that i know of... but nearby, Wholesale Tropicals in East London had lots on my last visit and lots of cory's. In kent - Waterlands at Dillywood garden centre (i think) also had a good selection. I would phone ahead though if after something specific.

I recently went up to the Waterzoo in Peterborough, very disappointing after all the awards it wins in PFK. And Amwell's at Soham also had very few Plecs in...
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