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Is this Panaque sp.aff.maccus?

Posted: 03 Nov 2003, 18:56
by Caol_ila

Again more crappy pics from my side.
I bought this as Peckoltia vittata...
The pattern on the head is quite reduced. I liked the nice bands on the back of the body. It was 3 Euros. aprox 5 cm small.
It hides A LOT meaning i never ever see it. Today was the first time in a week. So im having a hard time to take a photo.
Any help apreciated!

Posted: 03 Nov 2003, 19:08
by Silurus
Reminds me more of L204.

Posted: 03 Nov 2003, 19:31
by Yann

I think Chris Id is correct. I have seen some specimens showing strong colour differences as this one, Can't remember if it is due to water quality or Aquarium setup...
But even if the photo is a bit crapy ( :wink: sorry chris you know it is right!!) you can see the rather typical body shape.
And you can also see the wavy yellow line on the snout that should exclude L204...

Posted: 12 Nov 2003, 08:22
by Caol_ila

Could this be L306?
This link made me wonder

Posted: 12 Nov 2003, 17:53
by Yann
Could be but it seems the head pattern is a bit different so I would still go with thePanaque cf maccus id.
Any chance to make better pictures especially of the head?

Posted: 13 Nov 2003, 01:27
by Ben
From what I can see...I would certainly tend to agree with Yann..but it's really tough to tell with those pics :cry: Though I don't know what resources you have available, I know that with my tank (which is loaded with reclusive cats) I have some tough luck. I do have LOTS of fun with shots in the dark. I turn all lighs off, close all doors so that it's pitch black. Leave it so for an hour or so. Then with the digital camera, on an agle about 6 inches from the tank (clean glass) just start randomly taking shots (flash on). I have gotten some of the most wonderful shots of my fish doing thing I don't normally see them doing, and probablly won't untill I get my moon-light. Try it, you may get a great shot of your little mystery plec :)

Posted: 13 Nov 2003, 07:37
by kdreymann
yannfulliquet wrote:Hi!
Could be but it seems the head pattern is a bit different so I would still go with thePanaque cf maccus id.
Hm....why don't you use PANAQOLUS sp. aff. maccus?

Posted: 13 Nov 2003, 09:08
by Silurus
This is the reason why.

Let's not open that can of worms again.