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Problems facies Ancistrus

Posted: 21 Jan 2013, 14:58
by Joren56
Today I was looking at my ancistrustank when suddenly I noticed something odd. :-\
Once inspected more closely I noticed it were facies of my ancistrus with white dreads in between floating on the watersurfice.
What kind of desease, infection, ... is this and what can I do about it?

More info:
- fishes in the tank: 1 breedingpair of regular ancistrus and 1 little ancistrus
- Size breedingpair: both 13 cm TL
- ph 7,8-8,2
- feeding: spirulina tabs, flakes, ... and on rare occasions brine shrimp
- tank size, furniture, etc are in my aquaria section



Re: Problems facies Ancistrus

Posted: 21 Jan 2013, 14:59
by Richard B
Can you post a photo please?