L134's caving - possible spawn

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L134's caving - possible spawn

Post by DJ-don »

Because of yesterday's mad drop in air pressure and thunder storm, I decide to collect and chuck some rainwater into the tank
First thing this morning I see my L134 pair in the cave together!!!
I don't think they will spawn but its progress!!!
I'm so tempted to flash a light into the cave but don't want to frighten the male.
The female is out of the cave now I'm pretty sure because it doesnt seem as congested in the tank but not too sure if there is any eggs

I'm thinking... I could let the male do the job if there is eggs in there or I could take them out and take care of them in a fry saver?
Thoughts? theres a kribensis pair and 6 columbian tetras in the tank with them in a 3 foot tank
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Re: L134's caving - possible spawn

Post by jsalas623 »

Let the male do the job unless he abandons the eggs.
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Re: L134's caving - possible spawn

Post by DJ-don »

I saw eggs in the cave this morning!!
I've decided to chuck the male and his cave in a fry saver to allow the fry to move out into the fry saver. I've added an air pump into the frysaver to increase oxygen levels to help the male relax and also put a towel infront of the tank to calm the male down as well. I'm just being super cautious because I don't want to lose my first batch!!
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Re: L134's caving - possible spawn

Post by DJ-don »

Hey guys how long does it usually take for the eggs to hatch and to absorb the yolk sacs??
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Re: L134's caving - possible spawn

Post by panaque »

Congratulations on the spawn. It depends on the temperature, but in my case the eggs hatch after 8 days. I started a thread on breeding observations of this species here: http://www.planetcatfish.com/forum/view ... =5&t=34826, which may be useful. Apistomaster has also posted lots of useful information on this species so worth having a browse through his posts.
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Re: L134's caving - possible spawn

Post by verbal »

Congrats on the spawn.
Thank you for your support of the 2014 All-Aquarium Catfish Convention
Hope to see you in 2016
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