Setting up a Orinoco biotope

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Setting up a Orinoco biotope

Post by Fishkeeper93 »

I have just joined this awesome website and I am so glad I did.

I would like to create a black water Orinoco biotope and as strict as possible with the fish it's quite hard to find accurate information about fish species from specific rivers.

The tank is a Fluval 190 corner tank with an external filter which is rated 2000 lph so I will have to slow the flow down, I only have a 150w heater so I will have to upgrade that to a 200w - 300w soon to achieve a higher temp. Substrate is just plain old play sand with some nice branchy bogwood and a few stones with some Indian almond leaves and a couple alder cones thrown in for visuals and water chemistry.

For the stocking here goes my plan I will need help with numbers of each species

Mesonauta Insignis
Marbled hatchets but not sure about origin mixed information on interwebs
Cardinals tetras
Mikrogeophagus ramirezi

But the main problem I have is picking some catfish for this tank as I don't have A brilliant knowledge about these fish?

Corydoras metae
Pygmy cory
And a lovely species of plea or two which I have no idea which one to pick but I have narrowed it down to these based on location

Peckoltia sabaji

I think this just abouts covers this and I'm sorry for such a long read #:-S
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Re: Setting up a Orinoco biotope

Post by Lfisher »

Sounds like you and I are working on somewhat similar set-ups. I would be worried that Mesonauta Insignis might eat the pygmy cories?
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