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Unkown Catfish, who am i?

Posted: 01 Jan 2013, 13:02
by crusnik
This is not mine, a friend has it. Came with a tank (about 250L). Size approx 10-15cm. We do not know what it is, hoping that it ain't the Clarias batrachus
Sorry about the quality, taken with a phonecamera. I'm going to visit friend later this week and taking better pics

Re: Unkown Catfish, who am i?

Posted: 01 Jan 2013, 13:13
by Marc van Arc

Re: Unkown Catfish, who am i?

Posted: 01 Jan 2013, 14:29
by lfinley58
Hello Crusnik and all.

Tell you friend to proceed with care as H. fossilis can be an extremely dangerous catfish. They, via their dorsal and pectoral fin spines, can deliver a severely painful puncture wound. This can be the kind of pain that will send you to a hospital looking (or begging) for relief.

Lee F.

Re: Unkown Catfish, who am i?

Posted: 01 Jan 2013, 14:58
by crusnik
We had taken the possibility into a count that the fish is some kind of dangerous one. Better be cautious when identity is not know
Thanks for the info. I'll post better pics later this week