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Easy Otoncinclus species

Posted: 19 Dec 2012, 16:28
by bluefish1
I`m looking to my 70-liter tank easy Otoncinclus species. Is some that can easily sexed and breed? I have heard that Otos can be little tricky, so i want to ask. Temp. is 22-23 Celsius. I have thinked to put same that few little rasbora species and one Cory species. I havent never kept otos, so i maybe took those warnings little bit hard, but im intrested also to get little otos, so...

Re: Easy Otoncinclus species

Posted: 19 Dec 2012, 17:54
by James0816
Macrospilus and Vittatus appear to the hardiest of the species. I've spawned both but only the Vittatus on a regular basis. I've only had one small Macro spawn and it was unsuccessfull.