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For Sale Giraffe Catfish A. Wittei L.A. Calif.

Posted: 23 Aug 2012, 17:01
by yellowcat
Photo taken @ 15"
Photo taken @ 15"
A rather rare 19" auchenoglanis wittei for sale. Los Angeles area, pick up only. Reluctant to sell it as it's my favorite fish but it needs a larger tank than I can provide, something like a 200 gal. or larger. $75....

Re: For Sale Giraffe Catfish A. Wittei L.A. Calif.

Posted: 25 Aug 2012, 13:18
by Viktor Jarikov
You must be heart-broken, bro. Good luck, if there is such a thing in this circumstance.

I know it's real hard to find someone with a big enough tank/pond. I know you know that wittei can hit 3' TL.

Re: For Sale Giraffe Catfish A. Wittei L.A. Calif.

Posted: 03 Sep 2012, 02:01
by yellowcat
Hey Viktor, Yeah gonna miss her, such a lovely fish with a great personality. I've found it's a bit easier to find a home for the more docile species such as a giraffe cat that will fit nicely into a large community tank as opposed to something like a Jau for example. I always enjoyed keeping the large predator catfish such as yourself but won't anymore, in part for such reasons. The fish in now Sold! Found her a great home with a master fish keeper in one of his 600 Gal tanks! The same gentleman who bought my giant c. apurensis cat a couple of years ago, still thriving happy to report... Heres a couple of parting shots:

Re: For Sale Giraffe Catfish A. Wittei L.A. Calif.

Posted: 03 Sep 2012, 14:40
by Viktor Jarikov
Excellent!... not without a good bit of sadness. Such a beauty. $75 is a real steal - so refreshing to see someone like you not after a long $ but after a timely and proper re-homing.

I hope that gentleman is caring enough to let you visit them once in a while. Is it someone we may know from PCF or MFK?

Re: For Sale Giraffe Catfish A. Wittei L.A. Calif.

Posted: 03 Sep 2012, 19:50
by yellowcat
Yes, finding a proper home is the utmost. I reduced the price to the gentleman because he has to drive quite far and I'm sure I could visit my former fish if I asked to. The money isn't a big thing as I can easily spend $50-$75 on any given visit to my LFS with 7 tanks and all. The gentleman is very active on MFK and has some amazing large fish and aquariums.....
Baby Pic
Baby Pic