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Which Royal Panaque did I inherit?

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 23:54
by elephant
Can anyone help me figure out what kind of Royal Panaque I inherited? He was part of a very large tank at my Dr.'s office that I have always admired. When the tank got badly cracked, they called asking if I was still interested. I've ordered a 120 gallon tank for a more permanent home for him (or her?) that should arrive this week... Until then, any chance someone can tell me which type of Royal he is?

I apologize for the imperfect pictures -- trying to get close-up shots of important bits, but he's a bit shy & the camera doesn't always cooperate :P

Thanks in Advance!

Re: Which Royal Panaque did I inherit?

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 23:55
by Suckermouth
If I'm not mistaken that's true .

Re: Which Royal Panaque did I inherit?

Posted: 21 Aug 2012, 23:59
by elephant
a few more shots...

Re: Which Royal Panaque did I inherit?

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 00:05
by elephant
Milton, WOW that was fast -- thank you! I really wanted to know exactly what he/she is... somehow it feels better!

Is it possible to sex a Panaque at this size (6-7")? I haven't been able to get a great shot of its papillae yet... guess it is a little embarrassing for the fish :)

You said it seems like a "true" P. Nigrolineatus -- are other Panaques often mistaken for this variety? Or is this a harder species to find?

thanks again for your help!

Re: Which Royal Panaque did I inherit?

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 00:17
by Suckermouth
There are many undescribed species traditionally confused with P. nigrolineatus (especially those who have not yet trained their eyes). By far the most common one, IME, is , and is usually the form you see instead of P. nigrolineatus. is another form that is similar to P. nigrolineatus and possibly the same species as P. nigrolineatus. There are also the Brazilian Royal Panaque such as and the other Brazilian species of Royal Panaque; in the past on PlanetCatfish, all of these Brazilian forms were termed "Panaque cf. nigrolineatus", although more recently they were all changed to "Panaque cf. armbrusteri".

I can't really comment on sexing by genital papilla, that's not something I usually rely on. I'll let someone else answer that.

Re: Which Royal Panaque did I inherit?

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 00:55
by elephant
Well, maybe calling it by it's proper name put my P. nigrolineatus in a good mood :) Just let me snap a few closer pics... can anybody sex it? Thank you!

Re: Which Royal Panaque did I inherit?

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 03:12
by megacat
Too small to sex or to even try and guess what sex it is.

Nice healthy looking fish

Re: Which Royal Panaque did I inherit?

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 05:31
by tagamasid1023
Looks like a Panaque Nigrolineatus.

Re: Which Royal Panaque did I inherit?

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 11:51
by rob rensen
Can you make a pic of the belly....I see some spots on the fins, so it could also be a L330

Re: Which Royal Panaque did I inherit?

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 12:11
by elephant
thank you ALL for your help -- I really appreciate it!

I didn't realize it was too small to be sexed yet... just hate calling it "IT!"

Rob, I can try to get a good picture of his belly, but I looked at the photos in the CatElog of L330 & all these guys look entirely spotted, not striped. My guy is definitely striped (at least for the most part). Would a L330 have stripes as well? Rob, you want a picture of his underside (belly) -- any specific area? He/she isn't always so obliging about posing, but I'll try!

Again, thanks for everyone's help! And trust me, I'm absolutely keeping him or her, regardless! The new tank should be here end of the week... and I will have LOTS of questions as to how to best set it up so it's perfect for this monster :YMDEVIL:


Re: Which Royal Panaque did I inherit?

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 12:45
by rob rensen
I have some full spotted L330's but also a few who are looking like a L190 but they have only spots on the belly or pectorals.

This is one of mine L330. it has only spots on the belly

This is also a L330, look at his has broken lines and spots on the fins

Also a L330

and another L330..this is a full spotted

Re: Which Royal Panaque did I inherit?

Posted: 22 Aug 2012, 12:50
by rob rensen
You have for 90% sure a L190 but it's looks if the pleco has some spots on the pecs

Re: Which Royal Panaque did I inherit?

Posted: 05 Sep 2012, 22:54
by Jools
I am really sure this is .


Re: Which Royal Panaque did I inherit?

Posted: 06 Sep 2012, 13:07
by elephant
Thanks for everyone's help & your definitive ID Jools : )

I've been trying to get close belly pics but I suppose it's making him/her feel a little self-conscious!

Panaque is happily awaiting the completion of their new tank, but chowing down happily on zucchini, sweet potatoes & driftwood in the smaller tank. Good to know exactly what it is!