
All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Syno Rey
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Post by Syno Rey »

I recently bought what I believe to be Baryancistrus sp. L081 (was labeled as orange seam pleco at the LFS) and I just notice it has a sunken belly. I been feeding my tank all kind of food....algae wafers, spirulina pellets, shrimp sinkin pellets, flake food, cucumber and zuchini, carnivore pellets and even prawns. I have other plecos in the tank and I seem all them eat except this new one. All I see it doing is sucking the glass for algae, that how I noticed the sunken belly.

What can I do to help?

Also I have a small L018 Golden Nugget in the tank. What the difference between L081 and L018 ?
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Re: Sunken

Post by mjh712 »

So it's not a L106, Spotted Orange Seam Pleco?

And Im not sure about the difference between the gold spotted pleco, apparently the name covers two different plecos (L081 & L018, which has a few other L#s) and each one covers a few different species. The major difference is the size 7" vs 14". The l081 is apparently hard to keep alive, so you're probably not the first to have this problem.

It could be an internal parasite parasite, especially if it is wild caught. Maybe someone who's dealt with this can help. Also, it wouldn't hurt to post pictures so people can see the fish and diagnose.
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Re: Sunken

Post by Barbie »

Could you please read the sticky at the top of this forum and provide the requested information?

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