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how do i care for my new banjo catfish?

Posted: 14 Jul 2012, 01:50
by KitWitty
OK so the day before yesterday i was at Wal-Mart and i bought a dragon goby and i acclimated it to the water and did everything i was supposed to but last night i found it dead so this morning i took it back to Wal-Mart and got a refund (it was less than 48 hours after purchase so i still could). instead of getting another dragon fish, i went to the local pet store and bought a banjo catfish. the lady at the store said that nobody really buys them and that they usually die because no one notices them and i got the last one. i don't know what kind he is or anything though and i don't have a pic. he will be moved to a 25 gallon hexagon tank with 5 corydoras and a betta fish. the tank has a light, filter, heater, live plants, but it doesn't have any sand, it has gravel but I'm thinking of changing it to sand soon. if anyone has some tips on changing the substrate, please tell me! the only decor it has in a small castle (about 8"-10" tall). will this be okay for him? i really don't know how to care for him so please help me!

Re: how do i care for my new banjo catfish?

Posted: 14 Jul 2012, 02:10
by Silurus
Your banjo cat is most likely . Care information as in the link.

Re: how do i care for my new banjo catfish?

Posted: 14 Jul 2012, 06:05
by KitWitty