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L46 trapping filmed at night

Posted: 02 Jul 2012, 18:27
by har_eh
Sadly the vid turned out very dark uploading it to youtube, but I'll still share it as it's pretty unique footage.


A short one:

Re: L46 trapping filmed at night

Posted: 02 Jul 2012, 18:53
by Zeno
Thanks for sharing har_eh !

Re: L46 trapping filmed at night

Posted: 03 Jul 2012, 10:56
by corybrummie2010
Great video of the spawning :-BD

Re: L46 trapping filmed at night

Posted: 05 Jul 2012, 11:06
by har_eh
Thanks, seems it was just a test trapping though.
She's moving in at night and moving out after 24hours for a few days now.

Re: L46 trapping filmed at night

Posted: 06 Jul 2012, 01:33
by smitty
So it seem that caves make all the difference in getting them to spawn. I have never bred any plecos but hopefully soon.

Re: L46 trapping filmed at night

Posted: 07 Jul 2012, 00:42
by Matt30
Cheers for posting the vid's mate,keeping them coming