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Anyone using Ada Amazonia for plecos?

Posted: 13 Jun 2012, 23:30
by matti2uude
Does anyone use Ada Amazonia for their plecos? I've had my L183s spawn 3 times now but haven't had any surviving fry. I was wondering if using Amazonia might help. Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Re: Anyone using Ada Amazonia for plecos?

Posted: 14 Jun 2012, 01:20
by racoll
This is soil, right?

Why would putting soil into your tank help your fry to survive?

Re: Anyone using Ada Amazonia for plecos?

Posted: 14 Jun 2012, 02:22
by Firestorming
You can replicate the natural environment with out having to use this soil. (I am assuming thats your line of thought).
Maybe share some more info on the breeding set up, water conditions, feeding regime etc and the massive amount of experience on this site should be able to help you out.

Re: Anyone using Ada Amazonia for plecos?

Posted: 14 Jun 2012, 06:16
by jlim
I have 2 tank of plecos.. 1 with soil and 1 with silica.. the plecos are fine.. there's no different if you put them in soil or the other.. but i don't know if it's fry.. :d

Anyone using Ada Amazonia for plecos?

Posted: 14 Jun 2012, 18:39
by matti2uude
Firestorming wrote:You can replicate the natural environment with out having to use this soil. (I am assuming thats your line of thought).
Maybe share some more info on the breeding set up, water conditions, feeding regime etc and the massive amount of experience on this site should be able to help you out.
I'll post all the params this weekend. Thanks for the input so far.

Anyone using Ada Amazonia for plecos?

Posted: 17 Jun 2012, 17:56
by matti2uude
The tank is a 20 gal long with a thin layer of Eco complete. Filtered with an aquaclear 50 and a large sponge filter. The temp is 80 and I use tap water. I'm not sure how many 183s are in there, maybe 8 or 9 and a pair of unknown hypans as well as 5 sterbai corys. I will try and measure the water params today. There's wood and various caves for decor. I feed them Kens earthworm and veggie sticks and Nls Thera a 1mm and grow.

Anyone using Ada Amazonia for plecos?

Posted: 18 Jun 2012, 03:20
by matti2uude
The Ph is 7 and the Tds is 396 ppm. I just did a 20% WC and filled it up with RO/DI water.