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Advice for a beginner on L46

Posted: 18 May 2012, 11:38
by Ymir
Hi all. This is also my first post on the catfish forums :d

I have kept plecos in the past (BN,GBN) but I have decided it is time to try a fancy pleco and L46 is it. I have done the research on them and feel more than comfortable keeping them.
What I really need are any tips or advice from people who have kept them. There is only so much you can learn from reading.

My main questions are at this stage:
How many would be considered a good sized social group.
What age do they start looking at breeding (This is mainly due to needing to sell overly aggressive males).

Plus feel free to impart any knowledge on L46 you might think a newbie might need.

Thanks All

Re: Advice for a beginner on L46

Posted: 18 May 2012, 13:19
by sidguppy
I know little about Zebra plecs, but 2 things I heard again and again from people who breed these

first: keep em warm! these things need a lot more heat than any Ancistrus.

second: they really don't clean. it's a meat eater......and the meatier the food, the better.


now if the peeps who breed them here chime in, I'll pass it on

Re: Advice for a beginner on L46

Posted: 18 May 2012, 15:51
by Taratron
I know several people on here have bred zebras (one day I hope to!) so check out Shane's articles and the cat-elog. That said, the zebras like warm water and lots of current. Mine are currently eating Repashy Meat Pie and NLS meat wafers, with raw cocktail shrimp from time to time. They are a very secretive fish and do best in a species tank.

And they are insanely expensive, slow growers, and females are hard to find.

You might honestly be better with a more common 'starter' hypan, like L333 or L201. Those species are often less pricy and more open to 'oops I screwed up' mistakes.

Re: Advice for a beginner on L46

Posted: 18 May 2012, 19:04
by vanillarum
I have had my zebras for 3 or 4 years now. They have not bred for me. They like very warm, clean water (mine is at 86°). Clean water is more important than current. Many people have had them breed with little or no current. They are very poor competitors when it comes to food, that is why a species tank seems best. They are actually very easy to keep, but do not plan on seeing them much. A hidden zebra is a happy zebra. It took mine over 2 years before I saw anything but tails. They usually are close to 4 years old before they reach breeding age, and they grow painfully slow. Plan on having a cave for each fish to reduce fighting. So, mainly clean water and warm temperatures. And patience. Lots and lots of patience. Good luck.

Re: Advice for a beginner on L46

Posted: 18 May 2012, 21:47
by Suckermouth
sidguppy wrote:first: keep em warm! these things need a lot more heat than any Ancistrus.
Well, not ANY Ancistrus. H. zebra occurrs sympatrically with Ancistrus ranunculus. I keep both together in my tank.

I've got 6 zebras with 3 Ancistrus ranunculus. My zebras have bred once, and it was actually while I was on vacation. I am guessing that zebras are more apt to breed when there is either less distraction or it is consistently dark. This is a guess though, they've only bred once for me so it's kind of luck so far. I have found some of my other Hypancistrus to breed while I'm on vacation also, though.

Like has been said, despite being plecs they are quite different from a typical Ancistrus. Meat-eating, preferring warm water and high flow, and they'll be barely visible as they require caves. These fish like to hide a lot. I position all my caves so that I can keep track of my fish without having to move caves around.

Also, females can be overly aggressive too in my experience, not just males.

Re: Advice for a beginner on L46

Posted: 19 May 2012, 01:53
by Matt30
My five are to young to breed yet, 2.5yrs and as previously said they grow so slowly.
A big factor to take into consideration is Aeration because they like it hot hot, also water changes I change 50% half RO half treated tap water every 5 days TDS 120-80 and due to there high protein diet large frequent water changes are a good idea, as to aviode crashs etc.
Also a low stocked tank is a good idea as well as keeping it a species only tank.
I have a 125l tank with Eheim 2217 with diffuser so high turn over, but some would not consider this excessive at all and have a much higher turnover.
Basically your aim should be to eliminate as much risk as possible when keeping these fish due to the cost involved purchasing them i.e (specise only tank)
Mine eat deshelled peas and courgette as well as bloodworm etc.
I have x5 caves but only two zebras have ever taken residence.
One zebra one end the tank in a cave and the other the other end the tank in a cave the remaining three zebras stay around the biggest zebra are in tank and will not leave him?
You will know when your Zebras are in prime condition because they have a blue tint on there caudal and dorsal fins, which mine have constanty.

This is just what works for me im sure others will have different opinions

Re: Advice for a beginner on L46

Posted: 19 May 2012, 05:01
by Ymir
Thanks to all that have replied soi far. I will look at getting a small internal filter to go with my external eheim filter to add more flow. :D

Re: Advice for a beginner on L46

Posted: 19 May 2012, 18:46
by Jaz
Hey Ymir go check

There you can find more info anyone can write here. :)

I would say keep them warm and remember that they need oxygen rich water.

Re: Advice for a beginner on L46

Posted: 20 May 2012, 01:21
by Matt30
Jaz wrote:Hey Ymir go check

There you can find more info anyone can write here. :)
I think you will find there is over 100 keepers of H-zebra on PC each with a wealth of information, Ymir was asking for tips and advice not to be redirected to another Web site (no offence Jools)

Re: Advice for a beginner on L46

Posted: 20 May 2012, 01:48
by krazyGeoff
Matt30 wrote:
Jaz wrote:Hey Ymir go check

There you can find more info anyone can write here. :)
I think you will find there is over 100 keepers of H-zebra on PC each with a wealth of information, Ymir was asking for tips and advice not to be redirected to another Web site (no offence Jools)
I think you will find that Jools owns also, so its unlikely he will be offended b-)

Re: Advice for a beginner on L46

Posted: 20 May 2012, 02:06
by Matt30
krazyGeoff wrote:
Matt30 wrote:
Jaz wrote:Hey Ymir go check

There you can find more info anyone can write here. :)
I think you will find there is over 100 keepers of H-zebra on PC each with a wealth of information, Ymir was asking for tips and advice not to be redirected to another Web site (no offence Jools)
I think you will find that Jools owns also, so its unlikely he will be offended b-)
I'm aware Jools owns thats why I put (no offence) so he would not think I'm putting down, it's a grate site, I was just stating that PC members could help re H-zebra advice,tips,etc.


Re: Advice for a beginner on L46

Posted: 20 May 2012, 03:06
by Suckermouth
Ymir wrote:Thanks to all that have replied soi far. I will look at getting a small internal filter to go with my external eheim filter to add more flow. :D
Assuming the Eheim provides enough filtration, there's no need to get another filter to provide flow instead of a powerhead or a wavemaker.

Although I'll admit that extra filtration never hurts.