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Needs to be confirmed if IDed correctly

Posted: 13 May 2012, 11:19
by crusnik
I thought i got their ID right but now when seen all three more or less together, i ain't sure. I'll try to take more pics. Hopefully got few good pics at end of the day

First one should be L-001/L-022, Pterygoplichthys joselimaianus, size round 40cm. Pic attached
And there should be two of Pterygoplichthys gibbiceps, L-083/L-165 aka Sail fin pleco. The fin should be easy to identify them but doing some research it ain't the only pleco that has quite big sail fin. And the texture, color is not matching to the pics here or i can't compare. Other is 40cm and smaller is only roughly 25cm. Don't have pic of them yet, they disappear when i get my camera. I'll try to find if i got older pic somewhere

Re: Needs to be confirmed if IDed correctly

Posted: 13 May 2012, 11:29
by Silurus
crusnik wrote:First one should be L-001/L-022, Pterygoplichthys joselimaianus, size round 40cm. Pic attached
That's correct.

Re: Needs to be confirmed if IDed correctly

Posted: 13 May 2012, 11:30
by crusnik
Possible L-083, smaller

Re: Needs to be confirmed if IDed correctly

Posted: 13 May 2012, 11:38
by crusnik
And here is the bigger Sail fin pleco, possible L-083. As you can see, the big and small ones ain't a like. I think that the smaller sail fin is the L-001, a dwarf sized

Re: Needs to be confirmed if IDed correctly

Posted: 13 May 2012, 11:52
by Silurus
Both sailfins are not L83, but either or .

Re: Needs to be confirmed if IDed correctly

Posted: 13 May 2012, 12:04
by crusnik
I should have one Pterygoplichthys pardalis in the tank (35cm), pic attached. Is there a way to positively ID these fishes?

Re: Needs to be confirmed if IDed correctly

Posted: 13 May 2012, 12:31
by Silurus
Take a picture of the belly. It's spotted in pardalis and vermiculated in disjunctivus.

Re: Needs to be confirmed if IDed correctly

Posted: 13 May 2012, 13:55
by Shane
Your big sail fin is one of the regional variations of . The smaller of the two could be .

Re: Needs to be confirmed if IDed correctly

Posted: 13 May 2012, 18:10
by crusnik
Got the L-021 - left side of pic, and the big sailfin - right side of pic, to show their belly's
So the small sailfin is not the sailfin i thought it was. Anyway, glad to know it is not some kind of giant later on and the bigger one is sailfin
I need to get the bigger aquarium working as soon as possible, it's twice the size than the current aquarium. L-021 has cratches that wasn't there before :-S

Re: Needs to be confirmed if IDed correctly

Posted: 13 May 2012, 21:08
by Jools
Shane wrote:Your big sail fin is one of the regional variations of .
I'd more suggest this is the farm bred variety which I am uncertain of its origin. As Shane says, it's . I'm not aware of wild caught exports of these things to Finland or neighbouring countries in the last decade or so.


Re: Needs to be confirmed if IDed correctly

Posted: 14 May 2012, 01:51
by racoll
Seeing as MatsP isn't on the forum today, I'll make the pedantic comment :)

L numbers are not necessarily just automatic common names for a species. They refer to a specific population from a river that has been collected and photographed, and should apply only to these populations.

For example L001 is from the Tocantins river at Tucurui, L021 is from the Araguaia South of Maraba, and L083 is from the Xingu (and looks nothing like the fish here). Therefore, none of these L numbers apply to the fishes in question, which are all mass produced in Asia for the ornamental trade. Therefore the scientific names are adequate on their own!

So, in my opinion: Fish 1 is , Fish 3 is , and while Fish 2 looks odd, it is most likely too (more photos of this one perhaps??).

Hope this helps.

Re: Needs to be confirmed if IDed correctly

Posted: 14 May 2012, 07:49
by crusnik
Thanks for the pedantic opinion :d It helps and i didn't even think about the possibility that these are farm bred variety nor that they are not exported here for over a decade. Learning new every day. Thank you for your patience with me :YMHUG:
Last night i got the little one to show his/her belly. And i thought i would get a better pic of it too but nooo, swiftly disappeared from the front glass. Blah!

Re: Needs to be confirmed if IDed correctly

Posted: 27 Jul 2012, 21:22
by crusnik
Here is the smaller one..
Friend told that it is same as the first one, making it L-001/L-022, Pterygoplichthys joselimaianus
Is it possible that this one is not pure of either? Home bred variety?