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Movie: L46 trapping with fry still in the cave

Posted: 05 May 2012, 16:07
by har_eh
Was just in time to capture this pretty rare occurrence on video, best watched it in 720p.



Re: Movie: L46 trapping with fry still in the cave

Posted: 05 May 2012, 16:44
by Zeno
Once again, a beautiful spectacle !
Thanks for sharing :)


Re: Movie: L46 trapping with fry still in the cave

Posted: 05 May 2012, 17:35
by brechtvh
It's going great over there. ^:)^

Re: Movie: L46 trapping with fry still in the cave

Posted: 06 May 2012, 04:21
by CUPfishhead
Fantastic video, looks like your having success. Best wishes on continued success with them!!!

Re: Movie: L46 trapping with fry still in the cave

Posted: 13 May 2012, 23:07
by andywoolloo
beautiful xx

Re: Movie: L46 trapping with fry still in the cave

Posted: 24 May 2012, 20:05
by har_eh
New vid: