Peckoltia or Panaquolus?

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Peckoltia or Panaquolus?

Post by ColumbianChocolate »

Hi Everyone,
I would really appreciate it if you could identify this pleco for me. I have a male and female and was hoping they may breed but i just want to check what they are.

Thanks :d
Pleco I would most like to keep - L397 Panaque sp.
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Re: Peckoltia or Panaquolus?

Post by MatsP »

Unfortunately, the most important picture isn't quite clear enough: the photo of the mouth. The shape and number/size of the teeth is quite useful to differentiate plecos in general.
In a Peckoltia, the mouth looks like this (this show P. vittata, but they are all very similar):

A panaque on the other hand looks like this (this one is Panaque maccus):

I reckon your fish is closer to Peckoltia, but it's not easy to say for sure, because the mouth shot is pretty blurry [this may well be because it's taken on a mobile phone which has pretty low quality setting when compressing the image - this is to make the image small so that when you send it as a picture message, it doesn't take up so much bandwidth - with the loss of detail for speed/cost efficiency]. If you are using a "real" camera, you may want to change the settings to "high quality" or some such.

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Re: Peckoltia or Panaquolus?

Post by Acanthicus »

Peckoltia sp. "L 38" would be my guess.
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