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Favorite foods for Synodontis granulosa

Posted: 18 Apr 2012, 06:50
by Birger
I was asked what are good foods for Synodontis granulosa while at the CSG Convention and having not kept them myself am wondering what foods people are feeding the ones they have and what would be considered favourite foods.

I would expect them to be not terribly picky (as most syno's) once settled in but tending to like meaty foods especially shrimps, snail even fish when bigger...would I be correct.


Re: Favorite foods for Synodontis granulosa

Posted: 18 Apr 2012, 07:15
by amiidae
Based on the respond time (how fast he zoom out fm his cave) :d ... raw shrimp top the chart and follow by 'meat' based pellets.

Re: Favorite foods for Synodontis granulosa

Posted: 18 Apr 2012, 11:56
by Richard B
"favourite" would be hard to establish. Mine eat pretty much anything offered and are one of the most unfussy feeders i've ever kept; although i'm pretty sure their preferences of things i've given them would be lobster, crab, oyster, prawn, earthworm (see a pattern emerging?)

Meaty foods are all taken but they've also nibbled away at avocado, celery, cucumber, brocoli etc. Any commercially prepared foods have been wolfed down without blinking an eye.

Going back to the original question of what are 'good' foods for them...what do they eat in the wild - crustaceans, small fish, inverts, aquatic larvae, sponges etc. Providing close substitutes seems obvious but commercial companies ensure balanced food providing all that is required so prepared foods are fine.

I'll close with something i say often...give your fish as wide and varied diet as possible...

Re: Favorite foods for Synodontis granulosa

Posted: 18 Apr 2012, 14:51
by Scleropages
Richard B wrote:lobster, crab, oyster, prawn, earthworm (see a pattern emerging?)
I was going to say that I'll be over for dinner the next time you are having seafood, but after seeing the last item on the menu, I'll be sending Bear Grylls in my place.

Re: Favorite foods for Synodontis granulosa

Posted: 18 Apr 2012, 17:33
by Richard B
Scleropages wrote:
Richard B wrote:lobster, crab, oyster, prawn, earthworm (see a pattern emerging?)
I was going to say that I'll be over for dinner the next time you are having seafood, but after seeing the last item on the menu, I'll be sending Bear Grylls in my place.
Don't knock it till you've tried it!!! =))

Re: Favorite foods for Synodontis granulosa

Posted: 21 Apr 2012, 16:00
by toby
I agree that they are not very fussy and gobble down everything presented. I use a variety of earthworm sticks, catfish sticks, spirulina sticks, Hikari Carnivore Pellets, shrimp sticks, 3mm NLS, 3mm Dainichi Veggie Deluxe, meaty flake, frozen krill, frozen brine, frozen bloodworm and glassworm, freeze dried earthworms. All my synos get the same, in some cases I use a smaller pellet than 3mm. Mine love skimming the surface for flake and freeze dried earthworms that are floating, anyone else find this.

Re: Favorite foods for Synodontis granulosa

Posted: 22 Apr 2012, 10:07
by Richard B
Only the big female does this regularly, as i suspect the others are too wary of her. She'll take food from my hand if i can be bothered to hold the food for her.

Re: Favorite foods for Synodontis granulosa

Posted: 22 Apr 2012, 11:40
by tomr
My mutli's (adults and juvies) will swim upside down and eat any floating foods.

Re: Favorite foods for Synodontis granulosa

Posted: 22 Apr 2012, 15:10
by Birger
Thanks for the information all...confirms what I thought about feeding these great fish.


Re: Favorite foods for Synodontis granulosa

Posted: 24 Apr 2012, 16:49
by unblinded
Mine eat anything but especially love pond snails. All of my Synos seem to prefer them, actually. They suck them right out of the shells. I've got 2, they both eat out of my hands.