can you sex my l134's?

All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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can you sex my l134's?

Post by solvent123 »

hi, alot of people say sexing l134's (lepord frog's) are easy.. i personally find it hard to sex them! finding males is easy if they in spawning season.. due to the hairs!
i also read an article about the vent being orange on the females! me and a friend looked at 14 l134's and none had orange vents, so i cud not relate to this post! (there was deftnly females in the 14, as they have spawned)

here are 6 of my 7, some have paterns on the underneath! i belive this to b down to individuals, and not related to the sexing!

sorry about the speeling.. its late :P

i understand it wil b dificult to tell from just a photo, but if any1 knows there frogs and can help! it wil b very helpfull!
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Re: can you sex my l134's?

Post by Jaz »

The body shape can tell something, but a fat male can also look alot like a female. The picture aint sharp enough to see spikes in their tails. Take closer pictures from their tails and it might help. And use some numbering in the picture also. Based on body shape those 2 darker ones look females, the dude in the middle is somewhere between and those 2 others look like males. But I'm no expert, lets wait for one to arrive. :)
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