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Pale Baryancistrus L-081

Posted: 10 Apr 2012, 12:27
by Thomas W

About a week ago one of my 5 l-081 got extremly pale, more or less white except the eye who is still black.
Ive checked my water parameters and they are fine.
All of them are active even the pale one.
Another L-081 is also abit more pale than the others, but instead of the whole body its just on certain spots.

Do you guys have any idea of whats wrong? Maybe bullied?

Thanks for all replies

Best Regards Thomas Wiborg

Re: Pale Baryancistrus L-081

Posted: 10 Apr 2012, 13:11
by plecomanpat
I have 3 L018 (close cousin) and I have noticed the difference between the 3 of then...especially at feeding time...It looks like the dominant stays dark while the more submissive seem to lighten...even turn almost white...when they seperate their colors somewhat darken...but not always...ENJOY

Re: Pale Baryancistrus L-081

Posted: 10 Apr 2012, 13:30
by MatsP
I'd say it's not a good thing, whatever it is. I'd check for other signs of ill health, and double check your water values.

It may of course be that it's being bullied or stressed by other fish, but in my experience, when this happens, it's not a good sign!


Re: Pale Baryancistrus L-081

Posted: 10 Apr 2012, 14:17
by Thomas W
Checked the water values. They seem all fine. Abit strange, cause it seems in perfect condition.
I keep 5x L-014, 5x L-081, 1x L-190 and 1x L-200 in a 325 liter. I change about 10% of the water every day. So the nitrit level are on 0 and nitrat is quite low, maybe around 20-30, to high??

Re: Pale Baryancistrus L-081

Posted: 10 Apr 2012, 18:23
by OlePaulsen
Try to make a 50% water change. Do they breath normally ?

Re: Pale Baryancistrus L-081

Posted: 10 Apr 2012, 20:36
by Thomas W
Yes they do, except the pale one. Looks more and more like he gets bullied.

Re: Pale Baryancistrus L-081

Posted: 10 Apr 2012, 21:55
by OlePaulsen
If all those fish are big..they have a bit small space together. Baryancistrus males are extremely aggressive toward each other. Also small individuals.
Maybe try to move the weak one into a quarantine tank for a while then ? Can I ask the size of the fishes in there and a photo would also be nice.

Re: Pale Baryancistrus L-081

Posted: 11 Apr 2012, 10:33
by Thomas W
I know they are, they are about 10cm. And have around 20+ hiding places, lots of stones.
The 325liter is a Xingu Biotop with extremly heavy current and alot of stones to hide under, with sand substrate.

Re: Pale Baryancistrus L-081

Posted: 15 Apr 2012, 22:50
by Thomas W
Here is a picture of one of the Baryancistrus.
This one, as you see, are also starting to get pale. The other one i talked about is pale all over except the eye and a little spot on his forehead.
Looks like a third of my 5 baryancistrus is also getting pale. Strange since my L-190 and L-200 and 5 L-014 aint affected.
My PH is around 6-6.5
Temp 30c
Nitritt 0
Nitrat under 25.
I change around 20liter+ water everyday.

And i got heavy circulation, around 6500l/h++ in a 325 liter, its a river tank setup.

Re: Pale Baryancistrus L-081

Posted: 15 Apr 2012, 23:48
by racoll
See thread here.

Re: Pale Baryancistrus L-081

Posted: 16 Apr 2012, 00:40
by Thomas W
That was EXTREMLY interesting Racoll. I will post more picture of my fishes. Would be interesting to do some research on this, to find some similatiry with others. Water parameters, Food, Conditions they live under (meaning substrat, color of decoration etc etc). Anyway its very remarkable to see the changes my Baryancistrus have gone through, tbh, it looks like my others L-081 tends to copy the first who got pale, as said earlier, its only the Baryancistrus who changes the coloration.

Re: Pale Baryancistrus L-081

Posted: 16 Apr 2012, 02:07
by Birger
It would be great if you could add your images and experience to that thread if you think it is similar.
I may suggest a name change to cover more than one pleco type on that thread as I think it will be of interest to many.
