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270L Cube: Hara Minuscula, Shrimps, +X?

Posted: 03 Apr 2012, 23:10
by pel
Hey Catters,

i just scoped a scubacube 270 (65x65x65cm) from ebay for arround 100€ which seems like a steal! The only place where i could put it is the place of the old 60L tank. In this tank there is currently just one and couple of Shrimps. So the Hara and the Shrimps will definately have to move into the new tank. (Dont know yet how to convince my method would be to simply place it there because it would be too heavy to carry away!:D)

Planned so far was to get 5 other Hara Minuscula. (Currently in contact with a couple of dealers in order to find out when they are available again.)

So right now i am looking for good ideas what type of fish/snails/shrimp to add to this tank..

I could imagine 20 - 30 Hara Minuscula but i dont know if they even appear in those quantities in nature and this would mean another investment of 100€. Too much for my thin wallet after i just bought this tank.

Does anyone have a good idea for asian fish in the same type of water and temperature that could fit in well with the Haras?


Re: 270L Cube: Hara Minuscula, Shrimps, +X?

Posted: 04 Apr 2012, 07:58
by Mike_Noren
We're talking 25 celsius, slow water movement, lots of plants? Are you OK with a fish which might eat shrimp babies? Must they be from Myanmar?

Glass cats was my first thought, but really your possibilities are near endless, e.g. most rasboras and danios would fit the bill.

Re: 270L Cube: Hara Minuscula, Shrimps, +X?

Posted: 04 Apr 2012, 09:28
by racoll
Although not necessarily syntopic (i.e. strict "biotope"), the following cyprinids are from Myanmar, and would work nicely (and are readily available):

Microdevario kubotai
Microrasbora rubescens
Danio erythromicron
Danio margaritatus
Danio tinwini
Sawbwa resplendens
Puntius erythromycter

Re: 270L Cube: Hara Minuscula, Shrimps, +X?

Posted: 04 Apr 2012, 09:38
by sidguppy
I don't know if a constant temperature of 25'C isn't too hard on Hara; most species prefer non heated tanks at room temperature.

if you like the "Amano styled" tanks with lots of plants and tiny shrimps, I think this catfish fits the bill and unlike most Hara's this one likes slowmoving warm water:

it's also often available and usually not expensive at all

i'm not sure if it's a Myanmar fish, but catfish-wise, this one would be perfect.

Re: 270L Cube: Hara Minuscula, Shrimps, +X?

Posted: 04 Apr 2012, 15:06
by Shovelnose
sidguppy wrote:I don't know if a constant temperature of 25'C isn't too hard on Hara
I think they will withstand upto 28C in the long run although lower temperatures are definitely the better. My cooling fans blew when I was out of town for a few (4-5) days a few years ago and the tank temperature was 32C when I came back. The in the tank hardly seemed bothered. This definitely is NOT a benchmark though.

I have a batch that has been with me since 2008 and they go through 28C every summer. Of course, a little extra feeding helps.

Re: 270L Cube: Hara Minuscula, Shrimps, +X?

Posted: 04 Apr 2012, 20:13
by pel
(*) Thanks everyone the answers! I plan to keep the tank room heated. Means now in April around 22°C with drops till around 18°C at night. I don't mind if the shrimps get eaten as long as the population is stable. If there are too many upcoming i will put them in the other tank where i am sure that they will make a nice snack for the swordtails.

I usually like green tanks but with this one i was thinking to keep it more root(s), sand and rocks with a bit of green. Especially because i will not make use of co2 fertilizing and i am not sure if those 2*24W T5 are good enough. I would focus on plants that give a nice shade for the Haras to create many good spots for them to hang out. (-|

I like many of the suggested fish but i have the impression that for example those Danio margaritatus are quite active maybe also a bit agressive fish?! Though they seem to give just the right kind of "sparkle" to the beautiful "ugliness" of the Haras :YMDAYDREAM:[/youtube]

Re: 270L Cube: Hara Minuscula, Shrimps, +X?

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 08:08
by racoll
pel wrote:I like many of the suggested fish but i have the impression that for example those Danio margaritatus are quite active maybe also a bit agressive fish?!
Quite the opposite actually. Unlike the larger members of the genus, D. margaritatus is a shy and timid fish.

Re: 270L Cube: Hara Minuscula, Shrimps, +X?

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 10:11
by Mike_Noren
sidguppy wrote:unlike most Hara's this one <Hyalobagrus flavus> likes slowmoving warm water
Slightly OT, but do we actually know that Hara wants fast moving water and low temperatures, or is that an extrapolation from it being a Sisoridae?
Hara's look like they're camoflaged-as-leaf-litter fish to me, and the only habitat information we have in our database is this:
"roadside stream about 64km on road Taungoo - Nyaunglaybin. Stream about 3m wide, with clear water. No shadow. Bought from fisherman catching fish by hand in the mud. Open landscape with rice fields on land, grass on bank, and no plants in water. Bottom mud. Very strong human influence."
The Hara's were collected with other species which to me suggest that they are undemanding wrt temperature and flow.

Re: 270L Cube: Hara Minuscula, Shrimps, +X?

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 11:06
by sidguppy
I mangled the sentence a bit
but I did add a : (what's that called in English? : )

because after the : I suggested
which likes slow moving water

I should have omitted the word "most", then it all seems logic

Re: 270L Cube: Hara Minuscula, Shrimps, +X?

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 14:22
by Mike_Noren
sidguppy wrote:I mangled the sentence a bit
No no, I did. Sorry about that, I understood what you meant yet managed to misrepresent you in the quote. I've edited it for clarity now.

I wasn't at all criticizing your suggestion, I'm merely wondering if we actually know that Hara have a problem with warm, slow-moving, water.
racoll wrote:Quite the opposite actually. Unlike the larger members of the genus, D. margaritatus is a shy and timid fish.
And also really, really, tiny, so small that it's hard to appreciate its beauty. I'd recommend Danio tinwini, it's small, peaceful, a bit less hyperactive than the larger danios, and has a wonderful metallic gold-green sheen.

Re: 270L Cube: Hara Minuscula, Shrimps, +X?

Posted: 08 Apr 2012, 18:42
by apistomaster
D. marginatus were very disappointing fish to me because they are so extremely shy and retiring. "Tis a shame as they are an extremely beautiful species.
One of my friends breeds these fish and even in an approximatly 35 liter tank the group of about 40 stay along the back behind the plants.

One very interesting aspect about them to me is how closely they resemble miniature Brook Trout, Salvelinus fontinalis, ... ut-500.JPG

Re: 270L Cube: Hara Minuscula, Shrimps, +X?

Posted: 17 May 2012, 21:02
by pel
Thanks for all the replies.

The ebay auction was a total failure.. the tank was awfully scratched and the furniture had heavy waterdamage. So i resold it asap and tried to forget about that horrible 10hrs drive.

On top of that my dealers and importers could not find me any further Hara Minuscula. The only option was a private importer who had 50€ minimum order and 30€ shipping. So i hoped and waited for good news till last week the remaining Hara Minuscula had to be put down. His belly got very fat and he was swimming upside down on the water surface.. :(( ~X(

As a result i give up on keeping Hara Minuscula for now.
