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Helping to get them to breed - Cory metae - WC

Posted: 27 Mar 2012, 17:59
by iziko
Hi every one,

I have a group on 9 cory. metae. two of them was pick up today from my LFS as they seems to be female with eggs.

I need some advice how to get them to breed.

here is a short video:

Thank you!

Re: Helping to get them to breed - Cory metae - WC

Posted: 27 Mar 2012, 18:32
by Dave Rinaldo

Have you read this article by Ian Fuller?

Re: Helping to get them to breed - Cory metae - WC

Posted: 27 Mar 2012, 22:11
by MatsP
I have bred these. They didn't seem to be very different from other corys, but they bred in a large community tank "when they felt like". I tried occassionaly to "make them breed", but I couldn't predict exactly when they would do it.

The water in the tank was fairly warm, 26-27'C, low hardness (TDS around 75-100ppm), pH around 7.


Re: Helping to get them to breed - Cory metae - WC

Posted: 28 Mar 2012, 00:10
by iziko
Hi Dave - I saw Ian article a few time. Looking for others how breeding them as well.

Hi Mats - the info is good! Mine in 240l tank with 4 adult of pterophyllum Leopoldi.

Temp is 26-27 also. TDS at the moment is 520 microsimens. All water change from last month are with RO unit at TDS of 12 at exit. Hope to be on 100 at the end of April.

Re: Helping to get them to breed - Cory metae - WC

Posted: 04 Dec 2012, 02:32
by corylady
i breed 2 types of corys. trilineatus AKA triple-lines and orange lasers. the orange lasers r 3 mos. out of peru. wild fish r harder to breed. my triple-lines breed every8-10 days. where corys come from in S.America there is a rainy season. this is usually when they breed. to mimic this, do 4-5 water changes 50-85% in a row, every day. i use stress coat as it doesn't stress the fish.(don't use too much! follow directions)and i use tap water unaged. my ph is 6.4-6.8' ,all my tanks r kept at 74 degrees. i live in a small 60 ft. fema trailer so i just keep my thermostsat down low. otherwise keep a gallon of treated water in the fridge and add the whole thing every water change, refill it and stick it back in the fridge. this will usually bring on spawning. sometimes if a big storm is brewing do a water change before or during it as i think barometric pressure helps also. can't gaurantee it, but it works for me. i've already got the orange lasers to spawn this way. good luck!

Re: Helping to get them to breed - Cory metae - WC

Posted: 05 Dec 2012, 09:43
by Corycory
In my personal experience, if you can get more flow around the tank and more turbulent surface movement, or even add an airstone that is strong enough will help. They think it's raining when water splashes around and love putting eggs on powerheads and similar windy aerias. I haven't done a single cold water change with mine and they can't stop laying eggs.

Re: Helping to get them to breed - Cory metae - WC

Posted: 05 Dec 2012, 23:25
by corylady
the cold water thing also depends on where ur corys come from. i read that if ur corys come from higher altitudes, tTHAT'S when the cold water counts. lower altitude fish would not require cold water, just the "rain". my orange lasers came from the high country of peru as did my trilineatus. the trilineatus also come from equador. both countries have high country streams where these fish live. my fish do excellent in the cool water, i rarely have any losses. haven't lost a spawner in 2 yrs. i gave my girlfriend 15 of my trilineatus she put in a patio tank( in florida) at 84 degrees w/ angelfish and such. they were dead in 2 days. she put pandas in there and they r fine. ????????? my fish r healthy and i sell a lot of them and get good reports back on survival.