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Agamyxis pectinifrons information wanted.

Posted: 03 Mar 2012, 04:24
by airlik73
Is that what makes her talk?
Is that what makes her talk?
Hello everyone,

My cat "Gangster"(Agamyxis pectinifrons) passed away on the 29th of February. He had been fighting something off for sometime. I did some sampling of the water parameters and they did not indicate anything suspicious.

After he passed on, I brought him to the school lab for further examination. I was not satisfied accepting she got sick and died. WHY WHY WHY...

So today I went further with help opening her up and sampling the tissues and organs for signs of what she was battling.

After removing the organs in her abdomen I saw a really interesting bony structure. Please see the attached pictures with pins.

Also, I noticed her a gland of some sort between her eyes. Is it her "third eye" her pinneal gland?

There are so many questions that I will continue to develop as time passes, can someone please direct to some resources or science journals on this amazing friend of ours?

Thank you!!


PS: I am will be preserving her bony skeleton for future reference and continued admiration.

Gangster's photo album:

FEB 29 @
MARCH 02 @

Re: Agamyxis pectinifrons information wanted.

Posted: 03 Mar 2012, 05:06
by Silurus
The structure in question is the swimbladder (or gas bladder). You can read more about doradid swimbladders in this paper, which can be downloaded here.