This is my 40 l tank,home of 6 Synodontis nigriventris.
Filter:hang-on 450 l/h
Plants:Anubias nana,Anubias barteri var nana,Java fern and Echinodorus(I am not sure).
The tank was set-up 3 months ago.
In a few weeks I want to upgrade to a 75 l(75x30x38 cm) tank and to add more plants like Bolbitis heudelotii,Limnobium laevigatum,more Java fern and maybe some emerged plants.I like a pair of Microctenopoma ansorgii or fasciolatum.I wanted Ctenopoma acutirostre but I think this tank is to small for them,so I need to wait.
This is my project,I want to try an African river,so any suggestions are welcome.
My catfish
- Posts: 7
- Joined: 23 Mar 2011, 13:28
- My cats species list: 4 (i:0, k:0)
- Location 2: Westward Ho,UK
My catfish