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Syno's health, concern?

Posted: 16 Feb 2012, 16:42
by redfan
Hi guys

Just wanted to run this by you all regarding my Syno Multi / Grandiops. Took a video today while doing my daily maintenance, if you look right at the beginning of the video and then at the end (I zoom in on him) he has what looks like a "bald" spot on his head, from naked eye it seems ever so slightly raised, but has not grown or changed over the last 2 weeks (when I first noticed it).

Also you may see in the video there are 2 or 3 of them that have similar "bald" areas behind the dorsal fin. Again, this has not changed (from first seeing it) the last month.

Is this something to be concerned about? You may also notice there is quite a lot of chasing going on, they have been like this since they have been in the tank and certainly there seems to be no shying away from any of these guys, they all eat well and are very active.

The tank remains as it has for a long time now at ph 7.6 , Ammonia 0 , Nitrite 0 , Nitrate 10 - 15ppm.

Personally not overly worried as there does not seem to be any change in these areas of them over the last month.

Any comments or suggestions welcome as ever. Thanks Guys :)

[Mod edit: Fix youtube tags - use only the "ID" (<ID>&<more stuff>). --Mats]

Re: Syno's health, concern?

Posted: 16 Feb 2012, 18:54
by Richard B
I cant be 100% sure from the video, but the bare patches on your synos is in an area where multi/grandiops scrap against each other & leave marks. Certainly mine have it every so often (either fore or aft of the dorsal).

Re: Syno's health, concern?

Posted: 16 Feb 2012, 20:17
by seedfut
What is the level of flow in the tank as watching the vid it seems they fish is swimming against a current. Could the cats be trying to fing an area of low disturbance and catching up against each other?

Re: Syno's health, concern?

Posted: 16 Feb 2012, 22:12
by redfan
Richard - Yeah I can see what you mean about them scraping against each other and hence I am not overly worried as such. Just wanted to check whether it's something I should consider treating tbh.

seedfut - Not sure about the level of flow in the tank as such .. I have an external Fluval 205 filter in it along with a standard air stone.

Re: Syno's health, concern?

Posted: 16 Feb 2012, 22:24
by tomr
When mine wanted to mate, the males would kind of hold on with his mouth on the back of the females. (right behind the dorsal).