
All posts regarding the care and breeding of these catfishes from South America.
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Post by Sara1210 »

As ive mentioned in previous posts, im getting my new tank on sunday and was just wondering whether to use sand?

At the minute i have black gravel which i hoover everyday. I just have my 3 Colombian Sharks and wondered if its any harder to keep sand clean and also if anyone knows if the sharks would prefer the sand to gravel?

Thanks :d
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Re: Substrate???

Post by Richard B »

IME it is easier to keep sand cleaner than it is gravel as dirt particles sit on top of sand rather than getting stuck between pieces of gravel.

If you were to use coral sand it would help buffer the water & be suitable as you switch towards marine conditions later on when the fish grows towards maturity
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Re: Substrate???

Post by racoll »

IME it is easier to keep sand cleaner than it is gravel as dirt particles sit on top of sand rather than getting stuck between pieces of gravel.

If you were to use coral sand it would help buffer the water & be suitable as you switch towards marine conditions later on when the fish grows towards maturity
Agree entirely.

A common mistake is also putting too much sand in the tank. You'll only need a thin layer, about 1.5cm or so. Java fern can be grown on a rock if you want some foliage (not sure exactly how brackish you can go with that), or you could use plastic plants.
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