ageneiosus need id help

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ageneiosus need id help

Post by joefish72b »

I just picked this fish up and I need help with the id. I know it's in the ageneiosus family, maybe ageneiosus_polystictus



Marc van Arc
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Re: ageneiosus need id help

Post by Marc van Arc »

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Re: ageneiosus need id help

Post by joefish72b »

Thanks Marc,
I had my hopes up that it would be the larger species but still a great addition to my collection.
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Re: ageneiosus need id help

Post by Marc van Arc »

A brilliant asset imo.

I think your specimen is a male, but not an adult. What is its size?
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Re: ageneiosus need id help

Post by joefish72b »

It's about 7.5 inches/20cm and was the largest of six that I could choose from. Luckily I know the person has had them for a few months so after a 3 hour water exchange acclimation I was able to release it into my 240 gallon display tank.

I've already noticed that this cat seems to use it's pelvic fins for slow thrust (almost hovering), rather than the tail which it uses for distance movements.
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