Pleco Videos/ Blue Angelfish Video Journal

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Pleco Videos/ Blue Angelfish Video Journal

Post by Rudy102 »

Hi everyone I new here and this is my first post.

Here are my two L-75 Rio de para Pleco videos:

This is my Blue Angelfish VIDEO Journal:

Here is a video of the 130G planted community tank.

I have 3 breeding pairs of Blue Angelfish in my big tank, so I decided to breed them. Two days after putting them into a new tank we have eggs.

3 day old eggs changing into wigglers.

Day 4 ( Wigglers)

Day 7 ( the family)

Angelfish can get quite aggressive when they have fry around

They will even attack you!!!!!!

After not believing it the first time I tried again!!!!

I stop bugging them since it stresses them out and left them alone with the fry. The next day I took out the parents and attempted to feed the fry. Success !!!!! full bellies !!!!

The fry are growing fast. ( DAY 21)

They are getting bigger everyday ( 1 MONTH)

Growing fast. A lot are forming grown up fins ( 1 1/2 MONTH)

Which brings us to present day. I will add videos of their progression.
Thanks for watching

[mod edit: use youtube tags --Mats]
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Re: Pleco Videos/ Blue Angelfish Video Journal

Post by bigbird »

very nice indeed. loved the first one where the shrimp is competing with the L075( they are stunning by the way). cheers jk b-)
I am not perfect, but I say as I see it. Smile and enjoy Life
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