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Help Super Red is Sick! :(

Posted: 26 Jan 2012, 16:10
by Ike
1. A good general description of the symptoms.

I woke up this morning to check on my fish, do a head count, and noticed one of my Super Red BNP is sluggish and pale, pale as in nearly albino.

2. Size of tank and other tank-mates.

55g tank

In this tank are 3 male guppies (originally to cycle the tank), 2 beta (1 male 1 female and they have been getting along great), 1 little long fin common BN, 1 Blue Eye L144 type BN, 2 Super Red BN, and a couple snails here and there.

3. Water parameters.

a. Ammonia - ?
b. Nitrite - ?
c. Nitrate - ?
d Hardness - 500ppm+

It's cycled and planted but I haven't tested it in a while.

4. Filtration and water change regime.

a.What filtration do you have running on your tank?

Hydro IV air driven sponge filter, and Rena XP4

b. How often do you do water changes?

weekly or bi-weekly

how much do you change?


c. what do you use to remove chlorine/chloramines(if present) and heavy metals?


5. Diet.

Algae from tank/rocks, algae wafers from Ken's fish, and cucumbers/zucchini

6. Temperature of tank water

79F sorry don't know the conversion to Celsius

7. Treatments Used already

Nothing but using my net to try to see if he/she was still alive

8. A Pic

I will try to get a pic when I get home tonight, didn't want to pose for me, after prodding a bit he swam beneath the sponge filter so no photo op. Please help!