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How long can a bristlenose cat live for

Posted: 16 Jan 2012, 22:47
by Sweety
I was just wondering how long a common bristlenose catfish can live for ? Last night I very sadly had to call it a day for my 10 year old BN cat as she had a very bad case of bloat that came on in 20hrs & looked as if she was going to burst. A few weeks ago the 2 year old male BN cat I had in the same tank must have been fighting with her as her back had quiet a few marks which looked a bit like bites to me & a week later the skin around her anus looked as if it had either been burntor bitten. The skin came off leaving quiet a hole (didn't look nice) but it had almost healed & you could hardly tell then she started gulping air from the surface then the bloat struck & when I found her laying on her back I had to put her out of her misery
So was 10 years old a good age for my BN cat or had her life been cut short

Re: How long can a bristlenose cat live for

Posted: 16 Jan 2012, 23:05
by MatsP
Sorry for your loss. My "trusty" female Gus (in the "Images:" to the right of this post) passed away at the age of about 7 a few months ago. 10 years is good going.


Re: How long can a bristlenose cat live for

Posted: 16 Jan 2012, 23:15
by Sweety
Thanks for that Mat as that makes me feel a bit better knowing she was a bit of an old timer but am sorry for your loss to. It's strange but i'm quite cut up about loosing her & can't bring myself to get another one at the min even tho my mate has offered me a young one for nothing. I might even sell my male & look for another type of BN cat as I don't really like him now for hurting the old girl x(