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Redesigned 30G tank

Posted: 31 Dec 2011, 21:02
by redfan

Just wanted some input on my 30G redesigned Syno Multi / Grandiops tank

I took out a awful Barrel ornament and a dying plant (that I got to too late) Replaced it with 2 Anuabis plants attached to the Sumatran wood and a rock formation that hides the air stone.

The tank does have 3 Rams in it, but they were (as some may know) freebies and will be staying, have added 5 Yellow Labs (from my stepson) so this tank is as it will be for some time.

The Multis / Grandi's are 6 in number and since the problems I had a few months ago are doing really well now. I may well move the Rams on in the next month or so. But for now I am happy with the stocking and the bioload they create.

Re: Redesigned 30G tank

Posted: 02 Jan 2012, 05:29
by Scleropages
That tank needs more rocks and less rams. But that's just my opinion. Other than that, it looks great!

Re: Redesigned 30G tank

Posted: 20 Jan 2012, 14:07
by redfan
I seem to have missed that reply, sorry.

Re the rocks, I guess your right, and I will be looking at adding some more very soon. I will also be looking at removing the rams before too long. Would they work well in my Amazonian Bio tank (once the gourami is moved from there) along with my tetra's and Jaguar catfish?

Also, about the rocks ... It's a 30G tank that has the designed for stand, however how many rocks would be safe? The three in there weighed quite a bit individually, so curious as to how many would be safe.


Re: Redesigned 30G tank

Posted: 21 Jan 2012, 20:41
by Scleropages
While I cannot speak for your stand, the average stand made for holding aquariums should be able to hold a tank filled with rocks and water. I wouldn't advocate putting this much in your tank as cleaning will be a PITA and there will be no open space for the fish that like to swim.

For a 30gal long tank, I would make two big rock piles stacked to the top--one in each back corner of the tank. Leave an open space between both rock piles. This provides two distinct rock territories and an open swimming space to the fish.

As for the rams, I think they would be fine in your "Amazonian" tank provided you have enough room in it.

Re: Redesigned 30G tank

Posted: 25 Jan 2012, 13:36
by redfan
Scleropages Thanks for the reply.

I have moved the Rams into the 65G tank, they have settled and seem very happy in there tbh. Have added the 2 extra rocks, it's only a work in progress. You mention for 30G long, not sure this tank could be described as that.

Yes it's a 30G but it's more standard tank shape to me, so any ideas on the best kind of design for this tank would be appreciated. I have thought about building from left to right at the back (maybe 2" from glass) of tank a rock wall maybe extending to halfway up the tank? Would adding say another 10 - 15 rocks be ok? (they weigh approx 4lb each)

Given I have the Syno's in the tank, do I need to maintain what I have on the right (little caves) for them to hide in? Should I remove the wood from this tank?

The pic is of the tank with the 2 new rocks (on the left). All that's in it now is my 6 Syno's and 5 yellow labs (I do have a small BN in there too to maintain algae growth).

Sorry for all the questions, I have my "Amazonian" tank as I like it, this year the project is this tank lol. Many thanks

Re: Redesigned 30G tank

Posted: 26 Jan 2012, 19:27
by Scleropages
Your tank looks like a 29gal. The difference between a 29gal vs. 30long around these parts is if the tank is 30" long, it is a 29gal. If it's 36" long, it's a 30long.

I think you'll be okay with the amount of rocks you want to add.

Here is a ~2 year old photo of my 90gal rift lake tank to give you an idea of the layout I'm talking about. I placed three rock piles (coral base rock, lava rock, and one large piece of coral) in the back of the tank with open space between them. Then I put plastic plants in the open spaces (only on the left in this photo). This photo cracks me up because you can see only 1 of my 18 Synodontis lucipinnis in it (bottom right). Most of the time, they are always cruising around and between the rock piles and seem to be more gregarious than the mbunas.


Re: Redesigned 30G tank

Posted: 31 Jan 2012, 10:59
by redfan
Scleropages - Cheers

I think your right about the 29G thing :) Appreciate the photo, gives me some ideas of what to aim for. Not sure I can see any Syno on that pic lol.

Are they yellow labs in the pic? Also what are the blue ones to the right of the central rock pile?

Many thanks again mate.

Re: Redesigned 30G tank

Posted: 31 Jan 2012, 12:10
by Richard B
If you have concerns about weight try using large pieces of tufa or lava as these weigh much less than standard stones and are porous - additionally tufa helps bolster water conditions for your rift lake fishes

Re: Redesigned 30G tank

Posted: 31 Jan 2012, 14:48
by redfan
Thanks Richard ... I can get lava rock, but not sure about tufa. TBH I have never actually heard of tufa rock??

I do prefer the lock of natural rocks, lava rock seems to have lots of very sharp edges.


Re: Redesigned 30G tank

Posted: 31 Jan 2012, 15:45
by MatsP
Unless you are going completely insane, and as long as the rocks are not having a very sharp corner/point against the glass, lots of rocks don't add that much weight as it seems - a given volume of rock is only 1.5x more weight than the same volume of water, and any reasonable design of tank will allow for a fair amount of more than the water pressure on the glass.


Re: Redesigned 30G tank

Posted: 31 Jan 2012, 23:17
by Richard B
Both lava & tufa are natural. Tufa should be available in most LFS. One big advantage of both of these is that they can be 'worked' - ie they can be drilled, sawn into pieces, sharp edges filed off etc

Re: Redesigned 30G tank

Posted: 01 Feb 2012, 15:19
by redfan
Thanks Mats & Richard Something for me to look into a bit more. I do have these 2 new rocks that I need to add to the tank. I may go down the lava rock route to give the tank a aesthetic change.


Re: Redesigned 30G tank

Posted: 01 Feb 2012, 15:41
by Scleropages
redfan wrote:Are they yellow labs in the pic? Also what are the blue ones to the right of the central rock pile?
At the time I took that photo, that tank contained yellow labs, red and blue zebras, S. lucipinnis, and a few old Tropheus moorii (ikola). The blue fish are the cobalt blue form of plain old Pseudotropheus zebra (or whatever the genus name is these days)... probably from a breeder in Florida.

Re: Redesigned 30G tank

Posted: 02 Feb 2012, 14:40
by redfan
Scleropages wrote:
At the time I took that photo, that tank contained yellow labs, red and blue zebras, S. lucipinnis, and a few old Tropheus moorii (ikola). The blue fish are the cobalt blue form of plain old Pseudotropheus zebra (or whatever the genus name is these days)... probably from a breeder in Florida.
Many thanks for that :)